Partition of Ethiopia on religious lines?

Asking Oromo or other Ethiopian ‘Muslims’ to join us on religious lines is a dangerous game. You are inadvertently saying to them that Somalia is also theirs since it’s a majority Muslim country. They will then take it a step further and wage war or ‘jihad’ in Somalia against….us. They are already doing this, there are many Ethiopians within ISIS in the mountains. This will solidify that view along with all this ‘muh ummah’ stuff. Let them do it in their own land and stop begging these damn people. When will you learn they are not your friend and see you as someone to blow up or take their land? The guy who blew himself up on Lido beach last year was a Muslim Kenyan who didn’t want to blow himself up in Kenya because his family and kids live there so he blows you up….a supposedly fellow Muslim. Stop the fairytales and kumbaya shit. It’s been 2 decades of bombings.
Ethiopia is way more complex than that. The main issue in Ethiopia is ethnic and not religious as you know. The muslim areas of Ethiopia would still have conflict among somalis , afar , Muslim oromos and the christian area would have exactly the same conflicts among oromo , Amhara and tigrayans.
That’s correct. OP confuses Nigerians or Indians for people in the Horn of Africa, probably because Somalis are ethnoreligoius and so there’s no (almost) no overlap between confessional and national discrimination. But if you look at what is going on today in Ethiopia, Christian or Muslim, Oromos and tigrays and amharas are all slaughtering each other based on nationalitiy.


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
Religion is the least of Ethiopia’s problems as far as they’re concerned people don’t give a shit if ur Muslim Christian Buddhist cause over there it’s all about ur tribe ur ethnicity. Ur plan is garbage for the simple fact that it’s Muslims and Christians dancing together an teaming up to kill other Muslim’s and Christians. Putting friendly groups that are capable of sharing power together and keeping enemies away from each other would be the most effective way to split that country up.