Passport Adeers reveal new location for marriage

Does this guy not have any shame?
denzel washington cringe GIF
Incels don't have shame.


Plotting world domination
This forum used to be somali supremacy 24/7 and I was the future dictator kkkk
Those days are long gone, many left the forum however kept to the goal.
The Ana Arabs Sieged the forum around August and it's never been the same ever since.

It's a long day for any Somali who doesn't coon for either Arabs or Gaal. We used to have threads against race mixing, to have them all about ajanabi girls and insulting xalimo wlhi Waay Dhamatay

You would have assumed with all the the macrobian propaganda on tiktok and twitter that most of the Somali supremacists online would have congregated on somalispot but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore.

Seems like most of them aren't using forums now. They should have been the main ones carrying this place.
Oh she's itoobiyaan?
She’s a Larper and is not even somali.

She just hates Somali men. I don’t blame her because no respectable Somali brother would want to be anywhere near that. She’s expiring as the day passes and no guy is checking out for her so she is paranoid.
Runta ani ni sheegaya, ninka somaaliga naag o somaali bu balwad uga leeyahay, waan jecelnahay hablaha somaaliyeed, maka maarmi karno, marka ha u maleynina in ay buufis na haayo 🤣
Mauritania is a Black Arab country though like Somalia, good looking people especially those Tuaregs and Moors
The girls I’ve seen on tiktok don’t look black. I’m going there this year after Morocco so I’ll keep you guys updated if it’s a black Arab country or not. I think could be a mix
I'm telling you this M'fker is a CIA agent/plant who has been tasked with further ruining the rep of Somali Men abroad. All over Tiktok, I see a bunch of ugly bastards saying they want to travel to Maroc, terrible PR.

I'm for inter-Arab marriages, but the videos this guy and others like him pump out are pure cringe.
You are supportive of inter-Arab marriages, but are Arab women supportive of interracial marriage with Somali men? You need to be serious with yourself.


The girls I’ve seen on tiktok don’t look black. I’m going there this year after Morocco so I’ll keep you guys updated if it’s a black Arab country or not. I think could be a mix
It's majority black west African. Minority Arab upper class. It was a heavy slave state well into the 1900s only officially abolished
Mauritania is a Black Arab country though like Somalia, good looking people especially those Tuaregs and Moors
It's not just Black. The native population are actually the Arab Moors [Black Slave descendants live amongst the Arab Moors]. In recent times, there's been a huge influx of Blacks from West Africa, hence why most Blacks in Mauritania don't have a slave background.
Runta ani ni sheegaya, ninka somaaliga naag o somaali bu balwad uga leeyahay, waan jecelnahay hablaha somaaliyeed, maka maarmi karno, marka ha u maleynina in ay buufis na haayo 🤣
Exactly, waay ogyihiin Laakin Alx Ilahi wuxuu noo ogolyahay 4 xaas. Aniga waxaan qabaa in gabdaha somaaliyeed Iyo gabdaha carabta la guursado.