Once again I am spot on with my analysis.
People are ecstatic though I do not share that sentiment.
Well Gaas is back in cold and frigid Buffalo while Fermosa will now be lowered into the cold ground. I think the deal went quite well for Gaas not so much for paul.Paul Anthony Formosa known also as Ibrahim ruled the port with an iron fist.
Yesterday he decided to ban fishermen from their spot in Bosaaso Port where they docked which resulted in long argument between him and the fisherman who would murder him the day after.
As he left his residency to head to his place of work in the same Port he was struck and killed by the fisherman he had an angry exchange with and shot dead.
Now Paul Anthony Formosa is lying dead murdered for his harsh handling of Bosaso port.
Once he hoisted the UAE flag which riled up people and nearly killed him.
I back then when he returned said that Paul Anthony is not an ordinary guy which guy I asked who saw what went on in the assault against himself would return voluntarily?
He brought weapons with him but eventually was murdered.
Tekniko you are not far off. But the murderer was a fisherman. He banned them yesterday from their docking spot assigned to them in the Mohamed Siyaad Barre era.
He thought the Port belonging to him and acted that way with n remorse or sympathy.
This is a welcome for Bari businessmen and elites who are also against Garacad Port because of their port sold for 30 years to UAE crooks for peanut's which they did not even receive or saw a penny.