Can you all do something small but very effective? Start a conversation in your clan chatrooms, clan meetings, parliament, wherever you have power. And start to discuss the leading cause of meaningless death back home:

The mismanagement of clan land, and specifically, clan grazing land and water wells.

It causes constant wars, never-ending vendettas, hatred and distrust between Somalis. If we get rid of this issue, we have solved over 90% of our beefs back home. Simple land management techniques will help solve most of our issues, wars, desertification, drought.

Please lobby for the following:

1. All grazing land should be federalised- treated like national parks, this allows for nomads to move around freely, grazing and watering in designated areas, and nobody can lay claim or fight over what belongs to the federal state.

2. Nomads must be disarmed, and they don't have an incentive to fight anyway, if they have access to grass and water, without fear of being attacked

In return, nomads must get access to grazing land and clean drinking water, which is rotated to prevent deforestation. In addition, grazing areas need 24/7 security, mobile health units and access to education.
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It’s a good idea but Unless Somali has a strong government which can guarantee their safety I don’t see how people would agree to be disarmed

The first step is to have laws in place, that no clan can claim grazing land and water wells in each federal state, as in, making sure all nomadic families have the right to move around to get what they need. But escorted by police, who keep the peace. Slowly, and surely, trust will build and people will not feel the need to be armed.

There needs to be a distinction between 'clan land' and 'communal grazing/watering'.

Dalac Bilaash

☠ Emperor of The Horn ☠
Some people from the diaspora are also the main source of clan conflicts back home. They have large followers on social media platforms and regularly spew hatred towards other clans. These kinds of people are a major problem to peace back home, so we must translate their hateful videos and report them.
Some people from the diaspora are also the main source of clan conflicts back home. They have large followers on social media platforms and regularly spew hatred towards other clans. These kinds of people are a major to peace back home, so we must translate their hateful videos and report them.

If we succeed in effective land management, there will be no need for clan wars, and then vendettas will die down eventually, as people start to forget. I agree that this is a major issue, and we need to treat the root cause; mismanagement.

Dalac Bilaash

☠ Emperor of The Horn ☠
If we succeed in effective land management, there will be no need for clan wars, and then vendettas will die down eventually, as people start to forget. I agree that this is a major issue, and we need to treat the root cause; mismanagement.
We have excellent solutions to these issues, but how can we get them to the government authorities? I will get in touch with a federal MP that I personally know and let him know about this.
We have excellent solutions to these issues, but how can we get them to the government authorities? I will get in touch with a federal MP that I personally know and let him know about this.

What you just said, which is an amazing thing; speaking to our powerbrokers, and getting this discussed in parliament, or even straight to the Ministers who deal with land management.

Even if we don't know anyone, speaking to our parents, is something. All Somalis are connected, and everyone knows someone, who knows someone.
I agree. My only concern is border regions. We can disarm nomads cool but what happens when there’s fighting amongst areas where different clans graze? (Ceerigaabo for example).

Trying to federalise disputed lands will be tough. A place like Mudug I don’t ever see this happening
I agree. My only concern is border regions. We can disarm nomads cool but what happens when there’s fighting amongst areas where different clans graze? (Ceerigaabo for example).

Trying to federalise disputed lands will be tough. A place like Mudug I don’t ever see this happening

That's true, that's going to be messy.

However, if clans were sharing grazing land in each FMS, they would be less incentivised to push into other FMS. Each FMS is HUGE, and has enough prime grazing and watering areas. The issue is not a lack of land, it's a lack of organisation and of course, a huge lack of trust. And that's where the Governments come in.
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I like this idea a lot. If we had a competent government, they would implement this and also rotational grazing which would be beneficial in preventing overgrazing.

This charity aims to help with this particular problem (overgrazing), although I’m not sure how reliable they are: https://www.ecosystemrestorationcom...toration-community-dryland-solutions-somalia/

We have so many problems to worry about already like climate change, corrupt politicians, foreign interferences and more, but we are so fixated on qabil with no plan for the future… icl I’m starting to feel hopeless πŸ˜”
I like this idea a lot. If we had a competent government, they would implement this and also rotational grazing which would be beneficial in preventing overgrazing.

This charity aims to help with this particular problem (overgrazing), although I’m not sure how reliable they are: https://www.ecosystemrestorationcom...toration-community-dryland-solutions-somalia/

We have so many problems to worry about already like climate change, corrupt politicians, foreign interferences and more, but we are so fixated on qabil with no plan for the future… icl I’m starting to feel hopeless πŸ˜”
Me too abaayo. But I’m not sure if you’ve noticed but there seems to be a massive cultural difference between the young and old. Not a lot of these young adults care about qabil like that, you can see it even on social media platforms. Look at that movement that was trending online.

If led by someone smart and competent, there’s definitely a revolution there to be had. Something has to give you can’t keep half-assing politics like this
Take mudug for example. It doesn’t have enough grazing lands like other regions. When Camel herders graze it’s not a one day thing they may be gone for months sometimes a year (if there is a drought). The camel herders make settlements and claim lands that were allowed to graze out of naxaris by clan X.
Until there is a monopoly of power.
It’ll be impossible to stop. Not all clans have a unified structure.
We’ve seen many β€œpeace talks” that have failed.
Me too abaayo. But I’m not sure if you’ve noticed but there seems to be a massive cultural difference between the young and old. Not a lot of these young adults care about qabil like that, you can see it even on social media platforms. Look at that movement that was trending online.

If led by someone smart and competent, there’s definitely a revolution there to be had. Something has to give you can’t keep half-assing politics like this

Have you seen Somali Tik Tok lately? all the young ones talk about are qabiil, they are somehow even worse than the older generation spewing War talks like whats happening in Cerigaabo. And when someone advocates for peace (e.g. Shiine Culay) He's virally mocked for it.
Take mudug for example. It doesn’t have enough grazing lands like other regions. When Camel herders graze it’s not a one day thing they may be gone for months sometimes a year (if there is a drought). The camel herders make settlements and claim lands that were allowed to graze out of naxaris by clan X.
Until there is a monopoly of power.
It’ll be impossible to stop. Not all clans have a unified structure.
We’ve seen many β€œpeace talks” that have failed.
Yeah because these peace talks are all a bunch of baloney gather under a tree and sort issue out. It’s not 1924 we can’t do this nonsense anymore no one trusts each other.

It’s the job of the FGS to plan out these routes for nomads to take. Everything needs to be in writing with punishments for not following rules.
This sounds like a great idea, but it requires those useless federal presidents to actually do something about this which is unlikely.


FrΓΌher of the Djibouti Ugaasate πŸ‡©πŸ‡―
This sounds like a great idea, but it requires those useless federal presidents to actually do something about this which is unlikely.
These "federal presidents" were not placed there to make peace in their land and develop it. They were placed there to keep the status quo.

There is no Somali state post Siad Barre. It is just a series of protectorates. The elites of each plot of land simply follow whatever their foriegn overlords tell them.

Djibouti is ran by France
Somaliland is ran by UAE & Ethios
Villa Somalia is a brothel house where countries, big and small, and come and f*ck Somalia in the ass for a little bit of cash

And the rest are medieval tribal feifdoms that get xooged by foreigners

Can you all do something small but very effective? Start a conversation in your clan chatrooms, clan meetings, parliament, wherever you have power. And start to discuss the leading cause of meaningless death back home:

The mismanagement of clan land, and specifically, clan grazing land and water wells.

It causes constant wars, never-ending vendettas, hatred and distrust between Somalis. If we get rid of this issue, we have solved over 90% of our beefs back home. Simple land management techniques will help solve most of our issues, wars, desertification, drought.

Please lobby for the following:

1. All grazing land should be federalised- treated like national parks, this allows for nomads to move around freely, grazing and watering in designated areas, and nobody can lay claim or fight over what belongs to the federal state.

2. Nomads must be disarmed, and they don't have an incentive to fight anyway, if they have access to grass and water, without fear of being attacked

In return, nomads must get access to grazing land and clean drinking water, which is rotated to prevent deforestation. In addition, grazing areas need 24/7 security, mobile health units and access to education.
How many of those peace talks did we have and what came of it? It seems every few months I see a news article about "Somali peace talks between X and Y"

The only way to have peace is to have an established law and kill anyone who oversteps. Very simple.

Besides, we live in 2024. Why have such a huge segment of the population be semi-pastoralists? They produce very little. And what they do produce isn't anything note worthy. We live in the industrial era. Put these people in factories and start manufacturing goods. Instead of exporting goats to Saudi. You want to get rich by exporting raw materials πŸ˜‚
Have you seen Somali Tik Tok lately? all the young ones talk about are qabiil, they are somehow even worse than the older generation spewing War talks like whats happening in Cerigaabo. And when someone advocates for peace (e.g. Shiine Culay) He's virally mocked for it.
Have you seen reddit? It's even worse over there. This system and habit of constant qabilyad will make the processes of peace harder to attain for Nomads.
This sounds like a great idea, but it requires those useless federal presidents to actually do something about this which is unlikely.

There are already certain laws in place in some states, in terms of land management etc, and there was a place in Puntland, where they solved a grazing war issue, and it's now a place where there is rotated grazing I believe. When I was back home, I did not see armed nomads, they were just chilling.

The key areas are clan borders, and with that, we can have region to region, district to district, grazing zones, that have laws and security forces.

I have high hopes, and if we all speak up, we can make a difference.