Pedo loving madkhali: raping somali boys is ok!

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Madkhali are Murji'ah (very weak) when it comes to the religion and Khawarij (very extreme) when it comes to the Muslims because they do not spare them and love nothing more than attacking Muslims whilst they support the Kuffar. Madkhali's are a big fitnah and a major disease that infected the Muslims body that needs it's cure. They are funded by Saudi government mainly because they preach that no government can do any wrong and must be obeyed as people obey Allah, they also actively work for the world's intelligence services Wallahi and they get funding that way. They will report any Muslim they differ with calling them extremists and having them spied upon etc.

Madkhali's are the Jews of this Ummah and have left it's fold. Beware of them.
Salafi marriage bandits was from 2002 - 2013 it's over now.

One extremely common tactic used both by the cyber-predators as well as the local ones is religious and emotional manipulation: pressuring these women to marry quickly to “fulfill the sunnah” and “protect their desires.” For women seeking stability and a life partner, the combination of emotional blackmail (a woman who does not get married quickly is not a good Muslimah) and flattering attention (“You are such a pious, wonderful Muslimah and I must marry you in order to protect myself!”) can be very persuasive.
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