People who been to Kenya

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「Immortal Sage」| Qabil-fluid
Is the place dangerous? Does it have internet ( my mum once me to go an stay there for a year because when she asked me if I wanted to go anywhere' I always said no even when friends and familys will invite me to go with them for free. She also want me to experience other places after Kenya) what do you do in a holiday? And are there questions I should be asking?


future pirate king
It's a beautiful place go to mombasa and try to go to Tanzania for the serrengeti, it's an amazing experience.


If you are a diasporic Somali male between the age of 16 and 30 going to Kenya, the authorities will suspect you of being Al-Shabaab. Expect to get an anal probe.
Kenya is pretty safe apart from the sporadic terrorist attacks from Al Kebab here and there. Hear Mombasa is great all year round, North Eastern is straight garabage but if you go to the capital there are only a few places you want to go such as Parklands & South C. Stay your ass away from Eastleigh.
Never been there but I've heard nothing but bad things.

You will be told to pay bribes multiple times a day by the authorities.
I live in Kenya. You will stand out with your odd dayuusbora accent and behavior. Somalis will mistrust you and think you are deported or dhaqan celis, Madow will think you are rich mzungu and always try to con you.

Kenya is like any place. It just has millions of Somalis. Somalis aren't unique here at all. They also live everywhere.
once you get used to Kenya though ..... :wow:
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