Petty things that have turned you off a guy?


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
When she thinks its cute to take an interest in trap music and football :gucciwhat: are you mandem?

When she attends a protest :bell:
Do you think you're a suffragette fam

When she acts like a tree hugger :drakewtf: your room looks like WW3 how about you worry about your own environment
have you ever been on a first date? did you pay for your date? and wait if youre married or in a longterm relationship she cant fart infront of you? and how is she going to clean her nose? :drakelaugh:
A. Yes of course and no I never pay, either we split or the girl pays for it
B. She can clean her nose in the toilet, same with the farts.
A. Yes of course and no I never pay, either we split or the girl pays for it
B. She can clean her nose in the toilet, same with the farts.
or the girl pays for it? i mean if it works for you :chrisfreshhah: and when you get married your wife will eventually fart infront of you be prepared


Certified bakhti

This is a dealbreaker :dzmxmmb:
It reminds me of the time i was arguing with one of my class mates, This lost her breath mid argument :russ: She had to take a water break :dead:
She was overweight though:mjkkk::mjhaps:

Says the guy with this kind of ass


Dont throw stones in a glasshouse sxb
or the girl pays for it? i mean if it works for you :chrisfreshhah: and when you get married your wife will eventually fart infront of you be prepared

I'll add a clause in our marriage contract, if she farts near or infront of me I'm allowed to divorce her without paying meher money :lolbron: