Pictures released of the bombing in Jilb


Forza Somalia!

Ignore what the guy is saying and listen to the video. FGS just managed to radicalise 10 kids. Bombing a market is cowardice and we should call it out. There is nothing different between what FGS allowed to happen yesterday and what AS has done (bombs near civilians).

This is not the way forward. Ground offense against AS is the way. These indiscriminate bombings will just radicalise impressionable young people who see their home bombed by gaalo.
I am against carpet bombing in anyway.

My question is, do you think the people in Jilib aren't radicalized already?
Why bomb the market? A lot of innocent people probably lost their livelihoods.

It's probably a better idea to target the military bases/where the big leaders are hiding out. Or even better bomb the place where they store their weapons. Without weapons they can't fight back
Utterly disgusting. Whatever (little) respect or hope I had of HSM is officially gone now. Filthy munafiq is killing Somalis using Ethiopians, such a wretched human being and animal.
Utterly disgusting. Whatever (little) respect or hope I had of HSM is officially gone now. Filthy munafiq is killing Somalis using Ethiopians, such a wretched human being and animal.
At least he's finally shown his colours for all to see no matter how in denial.
Stop defending your terrorist clan.

Same needs to be done in Ceelbuur
Saxib I have no time to go back and forth with a HG moriyaan on a public forum kkkk. Step foot in Ceelbuur if you have the balls. Less chatting more action. I control Galguduud. From the borders of Guriceel to the Indian Ocean south to Wabxo - Maxaas is my turf. Try anything funny and you will be blown to pieces.
Saxib I have no time to go back and forth with a HG moriyaan on a public forum kkkk. Step foot in Ceelbuur if you have the balls. Less chatting more action. I control Galguduud. From the borders of Guriceel to the Indian Ocean south to Wabxo - Maxaas is my turf. Try anything funny and you will be blown to pieces.

You are using al-shabaab to hide against me you laangaab.

Keep fantasising laangaab you ardly even make clear majority of Ceelbuur as its shared with Duduble

The whole of Galmudug State is my goof anaa xakuma anaa leh and you my subject and concubine. Your shabaabi days are coming to an end you will be bombed by drones and jets.

Try anything funny and you will be blown to pieces.

See. I knew you are a Al-Shabaab terrorist.


Bombing the market is retardation at its core, civilian deaths have been recorded. This is an ultimate desperation move by FGS which could backfire if escalated as it gives AS legitimacy and fuels more civilians to join their ranks. This is an admission that the fgs failed the ground offensive. :farmajoyaab:
You are using al-shabaab to hide against me you laangaab.

Keep fantasising laangaab you ardly even make clear majority of Ceelbuur as its shared with Duduble

The whole of Galmudug State is my goof anaa xakuma anaa leh and you my subject and concubine. Your shabaabi days are coming to an end you will be bombed by drones and jets.

See. I knew you are a Al-Shabaab terrorist.
Chill bro hawiye wa mid keep that energy for dooros


Lol, do you think this is going to work? When has a forceful response to an insurgency worked well? Do you really think the civilians who will be killed, who are already marginalised, are going to suddenly start sympathising with the corrupt FGS and the states? It is a stupid strategy, a strategy that only a tuug will think up to keep aid money flowing.
Absolutely horrendous stragety. Man even quotes the famous WOT gaalada used ”we do not negotiate with terrorist”.

Decisive military campaign and negotiation with the clans/subsub clans allied with Arsenal is needed. In order to get these clans to the table, FGS must demonstrate their capability in governing justly.
Also a sign of great desperation by FGS which no doubt kebaab will see
The first principle of counter-insurgency is to deny your enemy any safehaven.

AS even having a capital is a display of great sloth and weakness on the pro-government side.
Insurgency is based on 7 principles outlined by Mao. The SNA isnt capable of countering on one front.
  • Arousing and organizing the people.
  • Achieving internal unification politically.
  • Establishing bases.
  • Equipping forces.
  • Recovering national strength.
  • Destroying the enemy's national strength.
  • Regaining lost territories.
I doubt “pro-government” Somalia will last the next 10 years. Our eritrean trained troops that took a lifetime to train are possibly deserting at a rate of 25%!!!!!
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