Pierre Poilievre BLOWING IT! Liberals Gaining Momentum!


Shaqo la'an ba kuu heysaata
To be fair, I think there's also more than the social issues going on with some of these immigrants. Some—from what I've seen during my time in here in The States—do appear to buy into the notion of the "American dream" and the western elites' anti-immigrant propaganda in economic terms. They think they're gonna get their turn to be multi-millionaires and billionaires some day and have bought into:


You see, the problem is the illegal immigrant who's like 1 step above a slave in income and whose crime rate is lower than yours.

Yeah of course. Look at Indian Americans. They peddle "no-go zone" propaganda about Europe as if right wingers think Pakistanis and Indians are any different lol


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
Believe it or not this is a good thing conservative policies target immigrants and the poor unless ur some rich Joe making bank u don’t want pierre


Forza Somalia!
Immigrants: Oh, liberals so nice. Always calling out raysiist cadaans and being inclusive toward us immigrant!

Liberal politicians: We strongly support trans rights and children transitioning! Gay pride parade!


Immigrants shouldn't care about women with dicks and boobs or men with vagina. Just focus on their future and improving their socio-economic status. Especially Somalia Americans, they should look after their kids oo dhaqada ka baxay turning into thugs and dying on the streets.

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
I don't like piere pollivere HE LOOKS GAY.
He sounds like a unauthentic traditional politician in a time where people across the western world are tired of being screwed over this guy went on the dying liberal traditional media which literally no one watches instead of popular podcasts like Joe Rogan

Javier Milei present of Argentina turned around 100 years of economic stagnation crushed inflation, and corrupt bureaucracy he did this all in one year real change can happen you just need someone who is willing to step up to the plate


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
You are genuinely a retard. From every post you're on. Housing/jobs were on the downfall since Harper.
These idiots just watch tiktok and see pierre giving speeches saying Trudeau bad on repeat and think he’s the man for the job if they took a minute to look at his policies and see his history they’d know he’s not the man to get the job done. Even stephen harper hated him when he was serving under him how can a man hated within his own party unite our country?
These idiots just watch tiktok and see pierre giving speeches saying Trudeau bad on repeat and think he’s the man for the job if they took a minute to look at his policies and see his history they’d know he’s not the man to get the job done. Even stephen harper hated him when he was serving under him how can a man hated within his own party unite our country?
They just gotta look at the amount of work hes done since he was elected as an MP. If the Cons want to win they need a more charismatic and dynamic leader. Pierre is not that man.


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
Immigrants shouldn't care about women with dicks and boobs or men with vagina. Just focus on their future and improving their socio-economic status. Especially Somalia Americans, they should look after their kids oo dhaqada ka baxay turning into thugs and dying on the streets.
Nek minit your child has no g*us and is participating in rainbow parades. Standing against their insanity is a priority amongst many

