PIM- Puntland Independence officially being discussed by the Government!!!!!!


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But unity was taken advantage of by our leaders

the problem is we people have loyalty to our tribes more than to the nation.

we people should act and not wait for the hero to save us.


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That is why we have federal ama confederation.
the federal system is the main problem because the centralized government can't do much to stabilize the country.

mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
the federal system is the main problem because the centralized government can't do much to stabilize the country.
Sxb just forget it. Iam loyal to SL and isaaq. Before iam loyal to this fake somalinimo shit. And some of you guys need to stop forcing it on people


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It is because of the lack of trust in our nation. Our tribe will always protect us but can we say the same about our nation.
we must build trust, the other nation doesn't see us as Darood or Dir or Hawiye, they see us as Somalis so why can't we see ourselves as Somalis.


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Sxb just forget it. Iam loyal to SL and isaaq. Before iam loyal to this fake somalinimo shit. And some of you guys need to stop forcing it on people
the same thinking of jahiliyyah which prophet Muhammad fought.

mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
You forcing others too in your shit like reer Awdal, Sool and Sanaag!.
First of all half of sanaag belongs to us:westbrookwtf: 2nd these dhulbehante in sool are not get forced they asked SL in 2007 because they were tired of PL stealing their aid money. And awdal joint somaliland by themselfes. If these clans dont want to be a part of SL they woulf have picked up guns and started chaos