PL darawiish forces capture al shabaab terrorists from east Burco

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I am bemused by your constant obsessions over me, not a week goes past without you tagging me in a obscure post somewhere!

I know my words have a painful penetrative effects on people but I didn't know I reached so deep down that enclosed breastbone in your case :mjlol:
Typical , why are you exaggerating? And did you write the article or not? :farmajoyaab:
My first three were, dumb dumb. You're mad my kids are pro PL. :ayaanswag:
Your kids may be pro PL but when beesha calls for funds your children's money will go to us :lolbron:

Make sure they grow up to be wealthy entrepreneurs like their forefathers :trumpsmirk:


Your kids may be pro PL but when beesha calls for funds your children's money will go to us :lolbron:

Make sure they grow up to be wealthy entrepreneurs like their forefathers :trumpsmirk:
No they won't. My mother doesn't even contribute. She's stingy like a Jew. :hillarybiz:


It's voluntary for women. The men have enough to take care of it :drakekidding:

I'll be making dua that you'll be blessed with many sons :ahh:
I have three Habar Yonis sons, one Nuux Ismaciil daughter who'll marry a Majerteen man. The Majerteen dynasty continues, y'all die. :trumpsmirk:


WTF is "East Burco"?

It is English version for Bariga Burco . Since Burco is settled by two unrelated clans in terms of sub clan each community is known
as west and east community in the media due to their different settlements.

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Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
@Gambar ma garanaysa sababta Majeerteenku u shirin? Wa jilibka Somalida ugu weyn gudaha Somalia, laakin marar dhif ah ayu Majeerteenku Shiraa. Sababtu waxa weeye min saqir ila kabir kuli wey garanayaan cadowgooda iyo wixii u roon. Majeerteenku ma shiro mana u baahna inoo shiro, kuli waa isku fikir.

Waxaan u maleenaya in aad cido kale aad kuso dhex kortay, oo aan an lagu barin sida aynu u dhaqano.

Harsh thing to say, but it had to be said.

El padrone

Hedonist, Depressive realist, Existential nihilist
It is English version for bariga Burco. Since Burco is settled by two unrelated clans in terms of sub clan each community is known
as west and east community.

166,000 results for it.

View attachment 24357
Unrelated kuye. subxaanaka yaa cadiim. dude would exterminate HJ if he gets a chance. subxaanka yaa cadiim. waar ninku miyaanu muslin ahayn? waxaad moodaa inu qabyaaladi ka dhigtay diin.
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