Haddii uu caqligaagu intaas gaarsiisan yahay, wax kale aan ku iraahdo garan mayee, aanu ammaan isa siino!
Adigaa diiday dee in nabadoonka warkiisa wax ka jiraan oo yiri sheegashadiisa dhulka waa la mid Gaas kaftankisa oo kale. Meaning, someone says they have lost some land doesn't mean it is actually true.
As someone religious, in the least, you are supposed to distance yourself conflicts like that where nomadic people are disputing over land that causes distress and insecurity instead of quoting some poet typical of Somali nomads bragging about clan wars and things they stole.
Let us face it, people are of different class in our society, religious people and educated people like YOU need to be above your average badaw reer baadiya who knows nothing about law and religion.
If you make a hypocritical comment about an issue, expect me to comment on it nin yohow. I hate praying behind Somali IMAMS simply because of this kind of practice I have seen too often.
I would have no issue if I never saw you quote the Quran. I am cool with Somali tribalists who are open about their bias and practice it without hiding behind some fog.