PL police close restaurant giving services in Day light.

mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
How hard is it to spell his name micheal mariano :gucciwhat:
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They can break fast in their homes, commercial selling of cooked meals is haram
Made haram by who? Allah? Where in the Quran or Hadith does it say one shall not sale food during the day during Ramadan?!! Show me the text??

What you failed to consider is who this shutdown is really hurting. They’re punishing the children who are more than 50% of the population who may have ate there, they’re punishing pregnant women who are not fasting. They’re punishing the sick or elderly who cannot fast! And finally they’re punishing the restaurant owners by reducing their revenue.

By doing this they’re incurring more sin than khair! Ignorance of Islam is abundant and those who use it to deliberately commit crimes against people are also plenty. Smh


Michael Marianna was a king among men.

We don't want tourists. Majority are either paedophiles or ill mannered drunkards. You want to turn Puntland into a Thailand
PL has a great tourist potential , you can get arab tourism if you had the facilities