PL soldiers indiscriminately fire on pro-Maakhir protestors in Badhan!


Those are Warsangeli serving in PL army in Sanaag and these ppl are being consulted with inside PL armed forces on what led to such deadly outcomes, we don't have all the facts so don't rush to pre mature conclusions, I await PL army to give their side of the story, what I do suspect is they were intentionally causing instability and baiting PL forces why they bited the bait is one question I have but it could've been for security reasons also.

Lots of ppl I've spoken to have said Makhir are Trojans of HSM looking to destabilize PL
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Loyal To The One True King of The Seven Realms
Maakhiri MPS call out PL for disrupting the peace in the city. THey say severe consequences shall incur. #GuulMaakhir!



True Puntlander
Its part of Qoslsya plan when he host Makiir meeting in xamar, to create crisis in Puntland.

Where are those from 2019?

Hamza is guy behind all of this events.


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
The guy who's leading this project is Dhoore. He's willing to sacrifice the blood of his people to further his political aspirations.



I personally support Maakhir state, I don't see why they should follow the FMS requirement of minimum 2 regions if nobody else is following it.

That being said they should pursue their goal politically by agreeing within themselves as Warsangili and as Harti, not through violence.

There is enough violence waiting for you in Cerigaabo.
Mareexan vs Dir, Mareexan vs Macalinweyne, Harti Abgaal vs Harti Abgaal, Sacad vs Saleeban, with all those on-going clashes I wonder why 1 death in Badhan is being propped up, Villa Wardhiigley is behind this no doubt.
If they have just accepted to be part of Somaliland this wouldn't have happened but their blind love of qabayled made them to become like that as it's easy to leave Somaliland but not PL state of Somalia which is built on tribal kinship.
If they have just accepted to be part of Somaliland this wouldn't have happened but their blind love of qabayled made them to become like that as it's easy to leave Somaliland but not PL state of Somalia which is built on tribal kinship.
SL is led by three parties each with an Isaaq leader stop the nonsense. The whole SL maamul is built on qabyaalad. We just watched habar jeclo elders come out and tell their whole clan to vote wadani looooool.

