PL & TISL UAE agreement on operate and Upgrade Bossaso International Airport

The funniest part is reading the comments under the tweet announcing this "TISL" takeover, beesha inflation calaacaling so hard already :mjlaugh:

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"Timirtii horeba dab loo waa"



Bantu Liberation Movement


True Puntlander
No Puntlander even care what is latest news in berbera, But Jeegaan no.


Jeegaan thoughts "Why PL ?, Why is not me" :meleshame:.


Bantu Liberation Movement
No Puntlander even care what is latest news in berbera, But Jeegaan no.


Jeegaan thoughts "Why PL ?, Why is not me" :meleshame:.
Now they are fawning over a Spanish villa thinking it's Hargeisa.

No wonder they are like this, they have been drinking the kool-aid since 1991.



Bantu Liberation Movement
Inflation has them breaking Denis pictures in Garowe
Hard times for beesha Sicir Barar:tocry:

I'd take inflation any day over the 4th lowest GDP per capita in the world, 80% unemployment rate and 50% literacy rate.

Meanwhile they claim to have a manufacturing industry. How the hell does Somaliland have a manufacturing industry when 80% of the people without employment?

I'd take inflation any day over the 4th lowest GDP per capita in the world, 80% unemployment rate and 50% literacy rate.

Meanwhile they claim to have a manufacturing industry. How the hell does Somaliland have a manufacturing industry when 80% of the people without employment?

Would you also take unrest in the streets, most businesses barely afloat, third highest inflation rate in the world and most poverty stricken too? :silanyosmile:

imagine that, all of that on your plate and you wanna distract yourself elsewhere, with this attitude you'll never solve any of your problems
No Puntlander even care what is latest news in berbera, But Jeegaan no.


Jeegaan thoughts "Why PL ?, Why is not me" :meleshame:.
Says this yet your people constantly talk about Berbera in envy, you wish you'd get the same treatment for your dying port in bosaso


Bantu Liberation Movement
Would you also take unrest in the streets, most businesses barely afloat, third highest inflation rate in the world and most poverty stricken too? :silanyosmile:

imagine that, all of that on your plate and you wanna distract yourself elsewhere, with this attitude you'll never solve any of your problems

Says this yet you're people constantly talk about Berbera in envy, you wish you'd get the same treatment for your dying port in Bosaso
Don't play victim now. I don't randomly bring up Somaliland, as I've said a thread for a thread, a post for a post.

And your side will always come out worse cause sadly that's what you've become.


