Please help hooyadaan Soomaaliyeed

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I really feel bad for bantu Somalis. We treated them horrible before the war and as a result their children are joining Al shabab and we continue to treat them horrible. It's a cycle that's going to be hard to end. I honestly believe that the majority of them should perhaps consider moving back to their native countries.

Nope before the war they were treated well by siad barre most of the soldiers and red hat troops were from Bantu tribe. Barre used them in opressing the SL/PL repels. Even Dr. Omar Abu the Bantu was manger of only sugar company in jawhar and now he is media trashing the Somali history. Thing is mistrusted from Somalis to Bantu comminuty.
This is account for her to buy her own business please help it is the Ramadan


Suicidal men adore me.
Nope before the war they were treated well by siad barre most of the soldiers and red hat troops were from Bantu tribe. Barre used them in opressing the SL/PL repels. Even Dr. Omar Abu the Bantu was manger of only sugar company in jawhar and now he is media trashing the Somali history. Thing is mistrusted from Somalis to Bantu comminuty.

Bantus were treated horribly. They were being discriminated upon called adoon and other disgusting derogatory words.
Bantus were treated horribly. They were being discriminated upon called adoon and other disgusting derogatory words.

It is backward ignorant practice in Somalia which was calling names to everyone, they did not spare anyone from this ugly habit.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Ive seen Somalis that are just as black as her and to Even bully her skin tone it's just pathetic

Sadly it's true that Somalis think they are a superior race to Bantu and Ethiopians

that's = racism

it is better to keep racism to yourself than to be open about it
It's not about skin tone but lately because PL attack was by al Shabab from Bantu background and explosives happened by them. It it is not racism but tribalism


Please don't forget to donate or make the intention to donate. The page will be up for a while. Maamada iyo caruurteeda are discriminated against even more than other poor people so you'll be saving 9 lives and you'll make her feel more at home in her community and country. So far in only a few hours people have donated over ยฃ1,600 and counting. That money you'll go through in a month but for her it will set her and her family up for years to come Insha Allah.

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