A sheegato who’s bad at claiming. If you’re going to claim us, do it right. Nacala qawaatka kuyaal.
Frankincense is one of the reasons people think it's in Somalia but there are other theories as well. There is no general consensus on where it was yet.Puntland is the right name. Most people still practise the ancient puntite tradition of collecting frankincense. That's why they named it after Puntland. They analyzed Northern Somalia, Eritrea, Ethiopia and those areas do not practise this unique tradition that is only practised in Puntland.
Hence this keeps Puntland unique in the region. For example my sub clan bah dubays is known as boohaaro in puntland, you know what that means? Boohaarku is frankincense, tradition says that one of clans-men used to climb trees and collect frankincense and he was so famous for it, they named him after it and now our whole clan is known as 'boohaaro' in Puntland. Where in Somalia are clans named after frankincense? nowhere but Puntland.
The key identifying feature of the land of punt is frankincense. So the heart of Punt was Bari. Was their other areas that were considered apart of the puntite kingdom, maybe their was but it wasn't the REAL PUNT, because the real punt is where-ever frankincense is.
No-one has the right to be named Puntland except reer puntland. If you can show me where in Northern Somalia they still do frankincense tradition, I will shut up but you won't be able too. Not even in Sanaag do they collect frankincense. It's a pure 'reer bari' tradition.
“We”???Puntland name is from the time we traded frankincense, myrrh and ambergris with the world. It was also known as the Cape of Spices or Aromata promontorium. In Somali daludug would be the translation which we could rename ourselved if we leave Somalia.
Puntland is called Dal-Udug in Somali and the oldest name for the region way before the first sultanate of Majeerteenia was established, locals use Dal-Udug for their ancestral land. Puntland is a perfect name as its gives historical claims to usand to separate our history from non-daroods and a name non-MJs will agree than with majeerteenia.
Somaliland = land of Somalis who wants to separate from Somalis is the dumbest name confuse non-Somalis to the reason for separation
Why are you using @NFD and not a Somali name for northern Kenya like DDSI for occupied galbeed to use your own argument against you?
Their mother is either oromo or habeshi which makes sense why they love ethiopia cause it is their mother's landI know why Somaliland wants to separate. It's obvious their not Somali because their not mentioned in futuh al habash and therefore are considered GUN and recent coverts to Somali and Islam. Not a single mention of all DIR clans in futuh al habash except gurgure(and their suspect oromo and not dir). So their really just oromo's trying to separate from somalis. They should call their land 'walashma or falasha' cause that's really who they were in Ahmed Gurey time and if it wasn't for the gob clans of Somalia harti-hawiye-marehan-bartire, and geri these DIR wouldn't of been somali or muslim to begin with. They were with the christian ethiopians because there is mention in FUTUH about a river called DIR but it wasn't considered muslim area and christian. Guess who lived there? ISAAQ AND ISSA hence their names have clear christian origins ISSA for jesus and Isaaq for Isaac.
NFD even if a foreign name is the Somali region of Kenya so no you can't use my own argument against me because that wasn't my argument. Try again.Puntland is called Dal-Udug in Somali and the oldest name for the region way before the first sultanate of Majeerteenia was established, locals use Dal-Udug for their ancestral land. Puntland is a perfect name as its gives historical claims to usand to separate our history from non-daroods and a name non-MJs will agree than with majeerteenia.
Somaliland = land of Somalis who wants to separate from Somalis is the dumbest name confuse non-Somalis to the reason for separation
Why are you using @NFD and not a Somali name for northern Kenya like DDSI for occupied galbeed to use your own argument against you?
walahi the collect francesence all over sanaag. the biggest francesence dealers are a isaaq guy and a osman mohamud guy. i told you before dont speak on what you dont know. my older brother exports francesence. but puntland aka the land of punt was barri and sanaaag i believe.Puntland is the right name. Most people still practise the ancient puntite tradition of collecting frankincense. That's why they named it after Puntland. They analyzed Northern Somalia, Eritrea, Ethiopia and those areas do not practise this unique tradition that is only practised in Puntland.
Hence this keeps Puntland unique in the region. For example my sub clan bah dubays is known as boohaaro in puntland, you know what that means? Boohaarku is frankincense, tradition says that one of clans-men used to climb trees and collect frankincense and he was so famous for it, they named him after it and now our whole clan is known as 'boohaaro' in Puntland. Where in Somalia are clans named after frankincense? nowhere but Puntland.
The key identifying feature of the land of punt is frankincense. So the heart of Punt was Bari. Was their other areas that were considered apart of the puntite kingdom, maybe their was but it wasn't the REAL PUNT, because the real punt is where-ever frankincense is.
No-one has the right to be named Puntland except reer puntland. If you can show me where in Northern Somalia they still do frankincense tradition, I will shut up but you won't be able too. Not even in Sanaag do they collect frankincense. It's a pure 'reer bari' tradition.