PM abiy ahmed speech was for Somalia to became one again so Ethiopia can use resource in land and sea.

There's no point Issaq children are taught to hate Somalia or Somalinimo from birth with scary bed time stories their the only tribe that does this
You can tell yourselves that @Neron @Abuyi @Adaawe but it's not like you know. Our president scarcely ever mentions Somalia, nor do the people. Fact is you have no clue.


National socialist
Because of the crimes you committed.

Do you think the Kacanka was showering Hargeisa and Burco with flowers?
They were targeted as a qabil.
You guys have kibir why do you think Axmed Cumar jess joined opposition?
Because Mx SNA killed his abtie in Hargeisa.
You guys had alot of blood in your hand.
Really? A foreigner has to hold a meeting between you and separatist, and then acknowledges the separatist as "president". No respect for sovereignty.
You honestly have less of a case for sovereignty than we do seeing as you don't even control most of your land. Let's face it, you're not on our level.


North-West, London
If Ethiopia wants acces to Zeila and use it for their own interest we will give it to them if we want or wish so.

and theres 0 you guys can do about that. Just like the DP-world agreement Xaarmaajo tried to sabotage but failed to do so. go free your country and build your region and stop being concerned about territories you don’t control and never will.
Why do you hate LA/Dhulbahante? Question for you and this GBTclown since you love mentioning us so much
No Majerteen hates Dhulbahante, I don’t hate y’all, I just hate the flip flopping and backstabbing done by a huge section of the Dhulbahante community but I don’t hate you.

Now why do some of you hate PL even though you share the same clan? That’s strange and that’s what we wanna know.
it is just sad wlh decades of conflict, famine,drought,bloodshed, our marrine ressources taken, nuclear waste dumped on our ocean, still no sight of reconciliation people massacre each other and come to reconciliation never seen people like somalis, i thought it was just the older generation who didn't want peace but i see young generation who are acting or even worse than the odheeyal
here is my proposal;
1. give these qabqablayaal odheyal or warloads some money like the arabs they give millions to their clan elders they won't open their mouth.
2. give the wahabi sheiks also their share $$
they will start giving fatwa in favor of the govt just like saudi
3. Do clan reconciliations in every state and make every clan join the army
4. take out the ressources and you know how Allah placed this somali peninsula with abundance of ressource: uranium,petrol,marine ressource,livestock,agriculture wlh you will never hear two somalis arguing let alone fighting we are fighting each bcoz we are abaar lol
5. use those ressources efficiently the most important
6. get a deal with turkey, china, russia to make somali army great again air,land, sea
i hope i see this in my lifetime inshaallah but that journey looks tough
No Majerteen hates Dhulbahante, I don’t hate y’all, I just hate the flip flopping and backstabbing done by a huge section of the Dhulbahante community but I don’t hate you.

Now why do some of you hate PL even though you share the same clan? That’s strange and that’s what we wanna know.

You mention us too much for it to not be hate, never seen a dhulbahante come at PL unless it was a retaliation. We don’t hate PL, myself I’m indifferent

it’s not backstabbing if you’re leaving an admin that focused mainly on developing MJ regions and ignored everywhere else, I’m sure most would rather be with PL if not for this reason

you repeatedly mention flipflopping like they’re changing admins weekly when the reality is PL hasn’t set foot there for years
Oh you're a separatist yourself :farmajoyaab:

Of course you wouldn't find the divide and conquer embarrassing.
Because as a Somali I don't have an obligation to ethnic ties. You act as if it's mandatory for us to have at heart the interests of a people who disallow us to lead the 'country'. And besides don't have any concern for ours either. We signed a deal, you didn't hold up to it - so we pulled out of it. You're the ones who put us in this mess in the first place, so f*ck you.


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