Defection ? What question was I deflecting, you made an idiotic “joke” and I responded, who is deflecting.
The old Ethiopian deflection emegency break.
Take some accountability for the tribalism of the FGS. The anti-qabilist rhetoric is ridiculous. I think you have a very dim view of the common sense of others, while also wildly overestimating your own intelligence.
Why on earth will I take accountability for a government I am not in charge of nor am I apart of what a moronic statement.
“You have a dim view, of the common sense of others” how did you come to that conclusion please elaborate more with your knowledge.
I am very intelligent !! not only am I highly educated, but I too am an educator at one of the best universities on the planet. I mean you have to be up there to get the position don’t you think . Besides I have intellectually humiliated you on more then one occasion, if my intelligence is to be questioned, then what does that say about you