PM Hamza Attacks and Blames Puntland As An Obstacle To Development

Majeerteen siyaasad ma haysaan, go back to the drawing board eboow. Waa kala daadsan tahiin idinko mj ah.

SSC, Maakhir, Xariirland etc etc all want to break away from your land which goes to show the terrible relations you have with your own kin. Puntland is all inclusive rubbish goes out the window son. Futada ilaasho. SSC militia would happily accept to be a part of the SNA.

Welcome eboow reer bicidyahan oo madax ah iyo cali salebaan waa joogaan beledka
You don’t understand do you? It’s a Harti Confederation up there in the north, no one’s bigger than the other, we all work together, ofc your pea brain hutu mind couldn’t ever grasp the concept of working with kin or forming a collective.


You don’t understand do you? It’s a Harti Confederation up there in the north, no one’s bigger than the other, we all work together, ofc your pea brain hutu mind couldn’t ever grasp the concept of working with kin or forming a collective.
There is no confederation, idiot. The 'maakhir' movement which claims land of both SSC and Puntland recently parading in Muqdisho gives PM Hamze grounds to make comments he made

Again, there is no confederation.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
It is not a good sign of Somalia’s future that the FGS has resorted to blocking foreign aid to Puntland. It shows the inability of Somalis to resolve their internal problems.

This linking of political/constitutional disagreement and access to aid demonstrates relative weakness on the part of the FGS. It shows that the FGS has no influence on Puntland other than through the money of others.

It is interesting that the FGS has never tried to link Somaliland’s access to foreign aid to political cooperation. Somaliland continues to receive foreign aid even after its leadership committed treason on Jan 1 2024.

I think Deni should stick to his descision and wait out Xasan Sheekh. Hopefully the next FGS president is more reasonable.
It is not a good sign of Somalia’s future that the FGS has resorted to blocking foreign aid to Puntland. It shows the inability of Somalis to resolve their internal problems.

This linking of political/constitutional disagreement and access to aid demonstrates relative weakness on the part of the FGS. It shows that the FGS has no influence on Puntland other than through the money of others.

It is interesting that the FGS has never tried to link Somaliland’s access to foreign aid to political cooperation. Somaliland continues to receive foreign aid even after its leadership committed treason on Jan 1 2024.

I think Deni should stick to his decision and wait out Xasan Sheekh. Hopefully the next FGS president is more reasonable.
Somalia should have chosen the Confederation model instead of Federal model. Confederation would have made the Federal government weaker than the FMS.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Somalia should have chosen the Confederation model instead of Federal model. Confederation would have made the Federal government weaker than the FMS.

I read this article by Ziblatt a few months ago and found it useful in helping me think about how federalism can be implemented.

STATE builders and political reformers frequently seek a federally organized political system. Yet how is federalism actually achieved? Political science scholarship on this question has noted a paradox about federations. States are formed to secure public goods such as common security and a national market, but at the moment a federal state is founded, a dilemma emerges. How can a political core be strong enough to forge a union but not be so powerful as to overawe the constituent states, thereby forming a unitary state?
This article proposes a new answer to this question by examining the two most prominent cases of state formation in nineteenth-century Europe—Germany and Italy. The aim is explain why these two similar cases resulted in such different institutional forms: a unitary state for Italy and a federal state for Germany. The two cases challenge the standard interstate bargaining model, which views federalism as a voluntary “contract” or compromise among constituent states that is sealed only when the state-building core is militarily so weak that it must grant concessions to subunits.
The evidence in this article supports an alternative state-society account, one that identifies a different pathway to federalism. The central argument is that all states, including federations, are formed through a combination of coercion and compromise. What determines if a state is created as federal or unitary is whether the constituent states of a potential federation possess high levels of what Michael Mann calls “infrastructural capacity.”1 That is, federalism is possible only if state building is carried out in a context in which the preexisting units of a potential federation are highly institutionalized and are deeply embed- ded in their societies—and hence are capable of governance. Why? Only subunits with high levels of infrastructural capacity can deliver to both the core and the subunits the gains that were sought from state formation in the first place. If, by contrast, state building is carried out in a context in which the preexisting potential subunits are weakly in- stitutionalized patrimonial states not embedded in their societies, then state builders turn to unitary solutions. It is only via high-infrastructural subunits that the basic paradox of federalism’s origins can be resolved.
Absent such high-infrastructural subunits, the political core will seek to absorb all the preexisting subunits of a potential federation to establish a unitary state.


It is not a good sign of Somalia’s future that the FGS has resorted to blocking foreign aid to Puntland. It shows the inability of Somalis to resolve their internal problems.

This linking of political/constitutional disagreement and access to aid demonstrates relative weakness on the part of the FGS. It shows that the FGS has no influence on Puntland other than through the money of others.

It is interesting that the FGS has never tried to link Somaliland’s access to foreign aid to political cooperation. Somaliland continues to receive foreign aid even after its leadership committed treason on Jan 1 2024.

I think Deni should stick to his descision and wait out Xasan Sheekh. Hopefully the next FGS president is more reasonable.
This is why although I support us pooling some of our resources in theory. I dont believe we should be sending a dime to Xamar. The FGS has broken basic trust too many times over different admins. We cant give them even more space to mismanage funds.

Farmajos blockade on Kismayo taught us alot.
Sucks for the people who believe in Daaroodism. See how easy it is to use this 4.5 poison against you.

"Ama afeef hore lahow, ama adkeysin dambe lahow"
Xamse has his own personal interests so he will go further then Madoobe but without any doubt Ogadens will not support Denis quest in PL having a stronghand over the constitution again.

I dont know why other Daroods thought otherwise. That was truly the breaking point between us in my opinion
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Xamse has his own personal interests so he will go further then Madoobe but without any doubt Ogadens will not support Denis quest in PL having a stronghand over the constitution again.

I dont know why other Daroods thought otherwise. That was truly the breaking point between us in my opinion

Ogaadeen support is inconsequential to Deni and Puntland. It was Puntland that was supporting to Jubbaland from its infancy, and there was no return in investment. I doubt any future Puntland president will waste time on this again.

The voting blocks in Somalia, that can make or break a candidate, are the likes of D&M etc.
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Begging the international community and trying to use that as weapon won't work against Puntland, it didn't work in the last two years and it won't work ever. We have robust tax system, two ports, three Airports and patriotic community that's connected to the world. Deni met the international community , all of them last week and he handed them 500 page documents on how Puntland is run, it's achievement , the democratic election and everything in between. He also highlighted how the federal government weaponizing the aid money. Here is the article for those of you who don't believe.

"President Deni, who was recently re-elected for another term, has been known for his efforts to strengthen Puntland's position both within Somalia and on the international stage. His re-election in January 2024 was marked by a commitment to peace and development, themes that were echoed in Nairobi.

The international representatives praised the progress in Puntland, particularly noting the region's investment in its development, which they stated exceeded donor contributions. This acknowledgment underscores the growing self-reliance of Puntland under Deni's leadership.

The meeting also touched upon the broader context of Somalia's state-building process, with the international community urging Puntland's constructive engagement in national reconciliation efforts. This comes at a time when Somalia's federal government and its member states are navigating complex political landscapes, including issues over constitutional rights and governance structures"
Read the underlined part. We are very close to be completely self-reliant. Puntland will be completely self-reliant in a year or so, and the Hutu down south will continue to demand not only handouts, but security.


Ogaadeen support is inconsequential to Deni and Puntland. It was Puntland that was lending support to Jubbaland from its infancy, and there was no return in investment. I doubt any future Puntland president will waste time on this again.

The large voting blocks in Somalia are the likes of D&M etc.
D&M cant even rely on themselves lol. I dont care what you need or dont but theres loads of you complaining everywhere like we owed you that.

What did we give you? Your people were given the mayorship and we facilitated their return to Waamo from Kenya all this at your most vulnerable moment and right in the midst of your homelands intimate relationship with the TPLF! Hell we recently gave you the governor of Wardheer and Marexaan the mayorship in Qabri Dahar with little controversy.

There is a reason why people say this is not Dhaqan Ogaadeen.
Somalia should have chosen the Confederation model instead of Federal model. Confederation would have made the Federal government weaker than the FMS.
Confederation is dumb because the rest of the country has to accept that idea with but I prefer becoming like Hongkong a autonomous region within Somalia one country two systems and we don't have to convince anyone of it.


Confederation is dumb because the rest of the country has to accept that idea with but I prefer becoming like Hongkong a autonomous region within Somalia one country two systems and we don't have to convince anyone of it.

diversity in systems is a strength not a weakness why put our eggs in one basket thru same system? the UK has autonomy for Scotland, Wales, Ireland but not England who is under the central govt and if Somalis in the regions prefer to be under hamar then let them be we shouldn't have to over ride their ppl will, but that doesn't mean PL autonomy will change either, let's our systems live side by side and compete.

I am anti confederation for all somalis because we need national consensus which as u know is more time waste and arguments. Its time puntland realized these clans in South central are booli qaran and cannot stand on their own feet like we do, not every clan is made equal.
diversity in systems is a strength not a weakness why put our eggs in one basket thru same system? the UK has autonomy for Scotland, Wales, Ireland but not England who is under the central govt and if Somalis in the regions prefer to be under hamar then let them be we shouldn't have to over ride their ppl will, but that doesn't mean PL autonomy will change either, let's our systems live side by side and compete.

I am anti confederation for all somalis because we need national consensus which as u know is more time waste and arguments. Its time puntland realized these clans in South central are booli qaran and cannot stand on their own feet like we do, not every clan is made equal.
I think the Italians removed the southern clan elder structure so they became "dowlad ku nool" when 1991 happened the warlords became their nabadoons then the ICU. This really creates an unstable situation if the government is weak in their regions.


I think the Italians removed the southern clan elder structure so they became "dowlad ku nool" when 1991 happened the warlords became their nabadoons then the ICU. This really creates an unstable situation if the government is weak in their regions.

The history I know from after the fall of ajuuran late 1700s till colonial came the south went under Zanzibar especially the coastal area and then they went under Italy and finally syl, siyad. then warlords and terrorists and now back to turkey and Amisom. the desert living hawiye tho were under Keenadiid sultanate especially galgaduud. these people can't rule and refuse Somalis to rule them. you think for one second if Somalis left the hamar govt it would be standing, it would resort back to how their regions are without other Somalis intervening.

Yusuf M

How is PL an obstacle for development in the deep south or anywhere in Somalia?

This is just af kunfuur. Meaning we are dead, Puntland come die with us.


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