PM Rooble rejects Pres Farmaajo special committee


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)

Just get rid him already he is threatening Our armed forces to not follow Farmaajo :jcoleno:


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
President Farmaajo needs to take a more aggressive approach this is clearly has gone too far. President Farmaajo if you dont take tough action to remove this guy immediately I will immediately withdraw my support, sometimes tanasuul doesnt work and you need a heavy hand. You are the President of the Nation, either take action or resign.

Just get rid him already he is threatening Our armed forces to not follow Farmaajo :jcoleno:

Sxb this is unbecoming of reer Abo, at this moment you should admit because its obvious Rooble has done an successful coup, Farmajo to safe whatever reputation he has left should do an disgraceful resignation like A/Y did and walk away to fock knows where :cool: :nvjpqts:

The Alternative if Farmaajo doesnt resign is forceful resignation by Rooble's Army kkkk

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President Farmaajo needs to take a more aggressive approach this is clearly has gone too far. President Farmaajo if you dont take tough action to remove this guy immediately I will immediately withdraw my support, sometimes tanasuul doesnt work and you need a heavy hand. You are the President of the Nation, either take action or resign.
With what authority. He doesn't even have permission to use SNTV:hemad:

