Come on now, lets be fair we both know he shits equally on the Xamar admnistration, -Lands, Al-Shabaab and Ethiopian/Kenyan lackeys. I wouldn't go as far as calling for an end to torture, even if it's a case of mistaken identity, support for terrorism
I understand every gotta play for their team, but let's try to be somewhat fair man
Somaliland and Puntland are both Alshabab sympathizers. Their agenda is to ensure that the South never becomes stable.
If he wasn't a terrorist sympathizer he would be cheering Puntland on for their innovative information extraction techniques.
@Duchess does that Puntland women affairs minister have younger sister
That was after Faroole dropped his lawsuit against him. He thought he was going to get paid and when he didn't he went back to trashing Puntland.
Yes she does.