POLL : Somalia Presidential election soon, who do you support

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
kkkkkkk I know this nigga. everybody and their ayeeyo baa isa so sharaxay :russ:
He's been in politics since Somalia independence infact he was one of the only Parliamentarian who voted for shariah law back then & again in 2004 before there even was a terrorist group called al shabaab trying to impose their own shariah which is far removed from that of the divine law from the most sublime.

This is typical Western Propaganda, the evidence is in the article itself, it claims that both Turkey, UAE and Qatar are funding HSM, this is a blatant lie that anyone who follows events back homes knows or even geopolitics.

Turkey and UAE are bitter enemies, anyone with a modicum of intelligence knows this, enemies don't support the same candidate, hence the whole article can be dismissed as Western propaganda.

it was written by a clueless Jewish Europhile by the name Jefrey Gettleman, it's like the Ayotallah's and Jewish Rabi's backing the same candidate, it would be dismissed instantly

Yes there is corruption, but it's nothing like this dude is making it out, it was 100x worse in the last election held and those before, here is the latest news just today about this conflict between UAE/Turkey

Egypt, UAE denounce regional terror supported by Qatar and Turkey

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Majeertentitis Research Institute
Why did you refer to the shariah law as shit then :drakewtf:
:draketf: this nigga

I meant extremist messed any chance of that happening. People dont even know what sharia is, where is it practiced in the world? it sure hell aint by the saudis or the Iranians or those nutjobs in raqah.

My adeer sheikh xaaji mohamed yasin means well, but lets separate the 2:damedamn:
The only thing a Somali should base their vote on is if the person can bring security trough brutality even and make sure no one steal anymore of our land. Democracy is a pipe dream in the land of corruption and clan violence.

We got more holes in our security than a swiss cheese :snoop:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
:draketf: this nigga

I meant extremist messed any chance of that happening. People dont even know what sharia is, where is it practiced in the world? it sure hell aint by the saudis or the Iranians or those nutjobs in raqah.

My adeer sheikh xaaji mohamed yasin means well, but lets separate the 2:damedamn:
So you're a secularist :dwill:

Extremists messed up many things like the image of Muslims around the world so should we stop practising Islam & become Christian & adopt Christian names:kanyehmm:

There's no country on earth that practises shariah law in its totality as for Saudia Arabia & Irans form of shariah law is far removed from that of the divine law.

I must warn you by choosing man made law over divine law is shirk associating partners with Allah which takes you out the fold of Islam.:ufdup:

It's targeting near the area Jazeera hotel were all the opposition PM's are, the idea is to start a civil war, or make it so dangerous no election is held and martial law declared, that's the game the Ethiopian's are playing, plan B is to get the troops/clan militia's/police/security to fight amongst each other.

All it takes is to fire a single mortar in there direction which has happened already near the airport, before you know it, it escalates into a full blown conflict, but every Somali today is making Dua's and in the end we should never loose sight that Allah controls the destiny, the plans and the outcomes.

So nothing will happen unless he allows it, and if he allows the Ethiopian plot to succeed, it's only because we are cursed beyond redemption, like when the Pharaoh enslaved the Israelite's and killed their males, tomorrow's outcome will tell us were we stand with the most high.

The conditions won't change unless there is a collective change e.g. the majority, and so far based on comments and what I am hearing, this is the closest I have seen Somali's being united since civil war, whether that is enough, we will see tomorrow.
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