Porcupines protest in Ceel Afweyn after Boqor Futomadow is banged in jail

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Even in Burco it was Muj Axmed Miire Maxamed that was leading the first army that entered Burco in 1988.
I have said you had sarkaal who were fighting but not many footsoldiers. And hj had men fighting in hargaysa , there was no sacad muse fighting in burco . We had to send your reinforcements and this all recorded history look up the jail breaks who died in those raids.


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
Is that why my cousin in minesota wallahi billahi he has a mareehan wife you niggas definetly cant satisfy your naago and when the hate dont work they start telling lies keep hating on us we are mosthated for a reason

That's nice that your cousin is married to my cousin. Us niggas can definitely satisfy our women I'm hooked on this reer Diini girl right now. She's (reer Warsame). I'm enjoying my women alhamdulillahi. I don't hate you. And I bet you don't hate us. It's nice to try different flavors once in a while. :trumpsmirk:


I have said you had sarkaal who were fighting but not many footsoldiers. And hj had men fighting in hargaysa , there was no sacad muse fighting in burco . We had to send your reinforcements and this all recorded history look up the jail breaks who died in those raids.

You are delusional. If HY didn't have fighting men how did they liberate Oodweyne, Ceerigaabo, Burco and many other places from the forces of SNA? let me guess by using invisible banned weapons.


Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
Insha Allah he gets sent to the deepest depths of hell fire. 1st he pals around with SL haters @Bohol @Saalax Bidaar then he disrespects dead SNM mujahids. I won't stoop to his degernate level. May he be struck down by Allah

You don't get to talk about SNM guusjeclo boy.

SNM is an Awal+GX project. Yirowe boy stop appropriating my history.
You are delusional. If HY didn't have fighting men how did they liberate Oodweyne, Ceerigaabo, Burco and many other places from the forces of SNA? let me guess by using invisible banned weapons.

HY barely liberated anything. They couldn't stop their man Tuur from getting chased out in the 90's.


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Tuur liberated Sland and he was the first president and last SNM chairman. Meanwhile Silanyo became a president after a shisheeye. God bless Dahir Riyaale.


What happened in the 90's ? Why couldn't you guys protect Tuur from being chased out? Weak niggas got destroyed
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