Why are you telling me about warsangelis? Don't change the subject.No he was not part of these things, BTW he was warsangali and he was in the car with president Barre after he came from states after Barre got embarrassed in UN by warsangali professor who distributed against letter of military rule and Barre revolution in 1969 at tables(UN meeting). When Barre came back our neighbor was waiting him in the car and Barre asked him straight "you are warsangali ! look what your cousin had done to me." Warsangali were his first victims. They started to migrate out of Somalia(most of them had daul citizenship British or Yemeni). Other moved to gulf countries. However Barre noticed their disappearance and stop harassing them.
At end, Barre was military dictator who killed any apposition even his clan members. He didn't target you for being issaq but being against his rule. Look at Syria, Iraq, Libya it is military rule.
Siaad barre's government did target Isaaqs specifically. The minister of defence wrote the infamous death letter, which called for the holocaust of Isaaqs:

If you can't read the somali, here it is in English: http://finalsolutiontoisaqproblem.b...organs-death-letter-last-solution-to.html?m=1