post pic of the most beautiful xalimo you've seen

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MashAllah most beautiful Somali ladies

19132.jpg lataus (2).jpg lataus (1).jpg images.jpg 3a7e0d3fca98d2915920c63465f1cfad.jpg lataus (3).jpg main_photo.jpg 35956e2de0e73f7ce5f4ea8847e11f26.jpg


"I'd kill for a Noble Peace Prize"
@Lily, you had me confused for a good min here, why did ya whisper my name darls? U are adoringly weird walahi ahah!

Look at all those bilaa dookh niggas shitting on my thread about my bea is 7 and some skinny mooriyanad with a dark cloak is 9 *cough* @The Informant :lol:. War mesha dookh kuma haysid sxb.

Give us a sec qolka kaydka ayaan soo yara baadhiye, not that I fucking collect random pictures of xalimos :cool:
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