There is a requirement to do ramadan to be considered muslim. If you dont make the hrs you simply failed and werent a good muslim. This is because islam has a geologic centre it was made for (aka arab overlords)
Compare it to the rest though
1. Go to saudi arabia at least once if you have the money
2. Pray 5 times (extras for more point or compensating poor prayer form).
3. Give to the poor. There is a percentage somehow to correct for differences in annual income. Imagine if their was a 5k cutoff for zakah for
everyone and if you didnt make it that year you weren a good muslim
So basically ramadan should have a timer to offset difference in basic muslim requirement. If a swedish muslim has to do 20hr he still fails if he doesnt make past 18hrs. He gets nothingeven though he pulled 2x time more weight than el ahmadi bin eatin in some arab country. And please dont hit me with the "you get more point though for the struggle" because you have to struggle to even get to the point it matters. So either islam was made for saudia arabia or islam wasnt meant to go international.