Post your Favorite historical empire, or peoples

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Umar ibn al khattab the greatest general & leader, he opened Persia, conquered Jerusalem the Jewel in the crown Al Aqsa, one of the greatest leaders the world has known.

Khalid ibn waleeed the best general who the Romans feared, top war strategist a man who struck fear into the enemies heart just by the mention of his name, indeed he was the sword of Allah may the most benevolent be pleased with him.
The Greek City states of Sparta and the other city state of Athens. Both city states shaped the modern world we live in. The Romans also but they are just the more refined versions of Sparta and Athens in a Latin makeup

how so did two tiny city state shape the modern world. Athenians was at worst a disfunction democracy which is why today western countries are not based on their system. and Sparta was a xenophobic slave state that really never managed to accomplish much. it was Macedon that conquered the world and successor states that ushered in the 900 year Greco-Roman world before being replaced by islam and latin west.


Prince of East Africa
Rashidun Caliphate-Vast Conquests of the Sahabas and Arab Bedouin
Abbasaid Caliphate-Center of the World for knowledge.
Ayyubid Dynasty-Salahuddin destroyer of crusades!

Ottomans empire-Their jannisaries were the fear of Europe and they conquered Constanople and made all Europe tremble.Sultan mehmet and Sultan suleyman are my favourites

Adal/Ifat Sultnate-Encompassed Somaliland specifically Isaaq/Samarone side lol

Al Andalus-Ruled Spain for 800 years
how so did two tiny city state shape the modern world. Athenians was at worst a disfunction democracy which is why today western countries are not based on their system. and Sparta was a xenophobic slave state that really never managed to accomplish much. it was Macedon that conquered the world and successor states that ushered in the 900 year Greco-Roman world before being replaced by islam and latin west.

Athens is the birth place of democracy. The Athenians over time created a society in which every citizen has a say in matters of the state while the rest of the world was under authoritarianism. Believe me democracy isn't a light matter.

The Spartans on the other hand created revolutionary military doctrines such as the phalanx system for example which Alexander the Great of Macedonia nearly conquered much of the known World with. The Sparta also pioneered many other doctrines of war that the Romans inherited.

Rome is an efficient and more complex version of the Hellenic culture created by the Spartans and Athenians.
Athens is the birth place of democracy. The Athenians over time created a society in which every citizen has a say in matters of the state while the rest of the world was under authoritarianism. Believe me democracy isn't a light matter.

The Spartans on the other hand created revolutionary military doctrines such as the phalanx system for example which Alexander the Great of Macedonia nearly conquered much of the known World with. The Sparta also pioneered many other doctrines of war that the Romans inherited.

Rome is an efficient and more complex version of the Hellenic culture created by the Spartans and Athenians.

Athenian democracy began in 5th century and suppressed by the Macedonians by 332 B.C a mere 200 hundred years but it wasn't completely a democracy Athenians like most greek state oscillated between democracy and oligarchy. it may have inspire Western Democracy of the last 100 year but from the 332 B.C to 1775 A.D the independence of the United state no state was a democracy. even then most western states were not full democracy until the last century.

Spartans did not create the phalanx system, they are credit for their discipline and the austerity of their citizen. because spartan were the world first full time warrior/soldiers and only reason that they could devote all their time to train was because they keep an entire region messane as slaves who grew their food.

the spartan did not influence the romans, rome initial used phalanx because of their exposure to the greek in southern italy and sicily but eventually drop this system to create their own system: Manipule and Legion system. they gain all their experience from Gaelic tribes to the north, Carthage to the south and Spain to the west. then used their superior tactic and equipment to crush the greek east. the roman only adopt greek esthetics, philosophy and architecture but not their organization, war making and civil life which were root in Italia and the western mid.
I think the golden age had already passed at that point, Mongols came when the party was over and they mostly influenced Persia.
I think OP is referring to the sacking of Baghdad. Hes right and i actullay think the time the mongols came knocking ont the doors, the Abbasid empire was cultivating the most knowledg in a time when thr world was in ignorance, or as historians like to call it...the Dark Ages.

Baghdad was the capital of the Abassid empire aka the golden age and there was so many books and scriptures of knowledge in the city. Things like books on math/algebra, Islamic knowledge, chemistry, astronomy and they were actually the only people at the time to have preserved and translated the old Greek and Indian historical books of knowledge. When the mongols sacked Baghdad they burned all the libraries of knowledge. There were some civilian accounts that reported as one of the rivers that went thru baghdad and out to the country side was flowing of black ink cuz of all the books they destroyed. As a result the Islamic golden age Era was abruptly over and the Abassid empire ended as well. If I made a mistake yall can correct me I'm just remembering this from a ancient islam course I took first year uni.

For me my favourite civilization was probably the people of all andalous (Muslim Spain ). Beautiful culture mixed with Islam. It's sad it ended the way it did.
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