I had too that nigga is gonna catch a r charge sooner or laterMy nigga Loool.
I had too that nigga is gonna catch a r charge sooner or laterMy nigga Loool.
War maxaad tiri, I would karate-kick them and crush their head
Oii red card wallahi loool
@Sheikh @Crow @Knowles @government @RichEnoughForGucci @Xalimo from da block
My country accent is trash
Thats my oday impression
Taajira, when are you gonna post yours dee huuno
Adeer blease bless us with ur cod macaan naayaahee
Why you sound like your from Los Angeles
Y'all, should I post a Somali one?
Wow, you've got a beautiful voice.
Some nigga gonna come out of no where and say you sound like your from a certain qabil.
Your name and @Geeljire lotus
I still just assume it means Somali man
@Sheikh @Karim does it just mean Somali nigga.!
Thanks, trying to figure out why as an mj you have a slight shaanshi tinge to your af-somali?