I love Paul Kagame walks the walk not empty words as Mandela said raise your words not your decibel like neaderthal. Raise your word means make it undeniable a self evident truth not something that looks like mere theatrics and different actions.
By the way there does seem to be systemic targetting of any Ethiopian stock on the continent or in some Congo theaters.
We must remind the Bantu your a great people and founders of Mali and Timbuktu and take your instructions from there not kill the Ethiopian stock people who are also in various west African theaters.
Look how they wiped Egypt of the map, look.at the sphinx and how they defaced Egypt Mt rushmore in hatred and envy and then start Egypt history when Asiatic arrived and then Persians, Greeks, Romans, arabs. These are not ppl of honor and u can't teach honor it's a gift of the gods.
Well we surely need a Israel policy who plays the string theory in the caucasian one part of gog(cauc) zones. There is no history of us harming them if anything they have greatly benefited as Moses wife was an ethiopian and solomon wife was an ethiopian sabain.
The issue with the world truly is they don't have the experience these people went thru for 2000 years and if any of u experienced it and we did as refugees and being strangers in other homelands, this creates understanding and balance something other world don't understand but it doesn't create stupidity and accepting roy Cohn for 3000 years. We are balanced people.
By the way Africa I'm not telling u to cry for them cause they don't cry for Canaan and many communities they slaughtered, see don't cry for them either. Bro god slapped a desert after noah had a tantrum at ham grandson canaan. God loved him as hebrew is based on Canaan.
All desert areas in this part of the world was to show black curse thru desert conditions in north africa and horn and arabia and many responded with insults like mummy in sahara which yells at least I can preserve my dirt unlike the other sons of Noah. They(all sham) then started pushing into ex hamitic zones and they can't deny it.
They don't own God or time or the future or ask them show us what's coming tommorow and they go silent.
Don't promote holocaust either like nazis or arabs which is killing unarmed ppl isn't a warrior. Either way just becareful around E1b1b marker as their is large group in ashkenazi and Sephardic and also arabs and even southern Europe and Greeks. Napoleon and Hitler had the marker and Einstein. Their basically Ethiopians inside those nations helping their cause whether gentile cause in southern Europe, shami cause.
We must secure this zone our theater before we work any other theater, alot of rebellion is in the land and its ready to cook up anytime and their not blind the enemy.
Something needs to be done about the wild nubians they sacked kush and then launched wars in ancient Egypt while it was having issues with the Asiatic. These are the nilotics. Resolve them before Bantu world which is much easier as their farmers and can be influenced thru mali stock bantu.
We must give credit where credit is due tho as a continent. Those gentile nations are hard effort workers not great minds but they work hard even if futile but they don't tire or question or ponder but just keep going(mind of an ox) but a body n effort that is quite envious so we need to learn that from them.
As for the Jews we need to learn how they survived for 2000 years, miracle yes but their always a reason on earth also, plus I noticed their constant migration between mid east n Europe was beautiful as one place fell, they moved to new place storing alot of knowledge. But how they kept alive being strangers is nothing to scoff at but listen and learn because that is an edge if it happens to you.
I give Israel one credit which is highest wisdom in the planet, the argument is strength is defined when conditions aren't favourable and 2000 years speaks volume, u niggas can barely handle 400 years and even less for Africa 1880 lol that's when u make your own ppl.lose confidence in u about your stupidity a mind of an ox.
I doubt they will encounter much problems with the Ethiopian we love wisdom. Cause that argument crushes anything you say because u couldn't do it is the theme. What males it sad u don't even wanna fix this edge issue. If ur mind isn't an ox u can see that's a sign from God, the race has changed to who can survive even in unfriendly conditions or disadvantage.
Start reading.moses hope hikma cause that's one ingredient. We r catching up tho, 500 years. Well Bantu are. We only 1880 till now. Maybe 30 year exodus in 91 but it's tiny material to reflect on, they got volumes of strategies over 2000 years.
Old world there was something called knowing or knowledge which is what we all do in the world but then there was something called hikma or wisdom, noone can tell u that or else ur not wise it's a self evident truth and if u can't reflect that on yourself your a mind of an ox.
The continent needs to toughen up, this isn't African culture and never was to sit in blame game and noble victimhood for some 1880 to 1960 period, the amount of energy expended is not bringing any results. God intended this so we can learn unfavourable conditions to develop insight, strength, and wisdom but he didn't say go into blame game do it with style and honor.
We need to show we can hang in any theater or conditions and still do it with glory. Plus we need to revisit the invisible abstract layer like it used to be done before given to people to do rituals(which is the only thing they do now) well we need go back and keep this going following the old structures. We can do it with numbers, words, or blend it or tapping into 6000 tongues left behind by lions in oral. Calculation is easy part not the idea has to be attractive to set up the goal post and calculation is for control and precision only which is what rituals doing only their calculators. But the abstract part is gone and left with ancient stuff. No wonder they called af riq they destroyed the abstract part of rah and left only the calculations and rituals.
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