Pres of Hirshabelle wants Mogadishu's future status to be a capital city within a region admin

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So a federal state leader that has had a motion against him is under intense pressure from all corners in his administration due to incompetence, what do you do in such a dire situation to reverse this?

It's simple you do what all politician's do which is to deflect the attention by making politically charged statement for the dupes to mindlessly wrestle over, Gaas did the same by starting a war, in both instances the discourse is framed as you either with us or the enemy, classic age old divide/rule tactics.

It's a win/win for the crooked politician, he rallies support while deflecting attention away from himself, the sad part is that he doesn't even care one bit nor believes in any of the sentiments he has espoused like the true opportunist that he is.

Yet the so called 'educated class' here are highly emotionally charged over this like dupes, shamelessly talking about breaking up the country over the statement of an individual oppertunist, it's easy to see why the Xabashi's have succeeded.

What makes the whole thing a joke and a mockery is the false assumption that federal state leaders or those of the SFG have independence/autonomy to decide themselves.

They simply don't and are all dictated to on most things of semi-importance, this includes Somaliland as we saw with 19% of their major income generating asset going to Ethiopia.
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