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I got boomer connections
So I just finished my presentation it all went ok until the end, basically it was 5 minutes presentation and everyone basically was nervous I wasn't but I fucked up when I decided to read whole paragraph columns at the end and some students basically read the basics quickly and got done. My dumb ass tried to read whole essay and shtt and I almost froze but took big dip breathes and shht. Moral of the story I almost fucked up though I did f*ck up nothing like shaking but stuttering. My body gesture was on point I was facing the audience while others were down looking at the teacher computer.:icon lol:

Eventually I thought I fucked up but some dude at the end and couple before him were null&froze. :icon lol:

Have you ever fucked up presentation or close to loosing it?:zhqjlmx:


Suicidal men adore me.
Yes. I had a panic attack once (I have them regularly) started hyperventilating and once I calmed down I just started crying. At least u didnt storm out like the drama queen I am.
One time I was doing a group presentation and this one girl in my group just decided to steal everything I was going to say and the had the nerve to elbow me to tell me to hurry up when i got stuck and kept stuttering


I got boomer connections
Yes. I had a panic attack once (I have them regularly) started hyperventilating and once I calmed down I just started crying. At least u didnt storm out like the drama queen I am.

If I stormed out I would've failed the class. But I did stutter at the end I almost lost it. Presenting is not for everyone. :meleshame:
Most of the people used to read the slides while keeping minimal eye contact. I don't think it has ever been that deep for me. The group presentations were the most funniest though.


I got boomer connections
Most of the people used to read the slides while keeping minimal eye contact. I don't think it has ever been that deep for me. The group presentations were the most funniest though.

The group presentation are the easiest to be honest. I know I should have used the looking down tactic. Noted for future.

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Preparation is key for a good presentation. The three things that I think are the most important things for a successful presentation is being well-versed in the subject matter, informative but concise slides and plenty of repetition infront of friends/classmates and in an empty lecture hall, preferably the one the presentation takes place in as it makes you more comfortable with the place.
The group presentation are the easiest to be honest. I know I should have used the looking down tactic. Noted for future.
Yeah but some people mess up on those or some people in the group do almost nothing. In a group of 4 there would only be 2 people doing everything.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Took a summer class once where I had to walk like 20 mins to class in 95°+ weather. by the time I started my presentation I was on the verge of heat stroke and i was so thirsty my lips literally got stuck to my teeth


I must've looked like a clown, frantically licking my lips and tryna get rid of the cotton mouth.
Loool I remember having to do a presentation after pulling an all nighter trying to finish an essay. It was a disaster :damn::damn::damn:

My general anxiety about presentation combined with my sleep deprivation had me sounding like this


Words were coming out of my mouth and I had noooo clue lol I was like 'wtf did I just say' :mjcry: To this day I still don't remember what the presentation was about or what I said.

My friend still brings it up from time to time :tocry:
I have two more presentations each worth 100 points. Shht is hard out here. :bell:

Good luck :yousmart: I don't envy you


I got boomer connections
Took a summer class once where I had to walk like 20 mins to class in 95°+ weather. by the time I started my presentation I was on the verge of heat stroke and i was so thirsty my lips literally got stuck to my teeth


I must've looked like a clown, frantically licking my lips and tryna get rid of the cotton mouth.

The heavy breathing in between, the struggle. :fittytousand: your voice even disappear. Hey at least many were worst than me today.


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
I don't know about some of you, but doing a presentation gives me an adrenaline rush especially if its is big audience. I love it , probably due to me nature of being a show off.

I love standing in front sounding like an enthusiastic wise crack:icon lol:. Hey do some of ya''ll have a habit of talking with your hands they way that i do?
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