good point we can't sell it to them just build otherwise we look elsewhere.Ports are more important to the Chinese. They don't care about a small airport like Bosaso.
good point we can't sell it to them just build otherwise we look elsewhere.Ports are more important to the Chinese. They don't care about a small airport like Bosaso.
good point we can't sell it to them just build otherwise we look elsewhere.
There is only one way I see to keep our Somali assets Somali and that is by working with the FGS. If the debt gets cancelled Somalia can lend at 0% intrest. No need to give away a majority share now when you can keep it all.
There aren't people lining up to lend or invest in Puntland without a large return on their investment. The Chinese are by far the worst party one could negotiate with. They are ruthless and they will always win in the end.
Relying on the FGS to make sure our Puntland assets stay Puntland assets is far worse weren’t they the same people who signed away four ports to Ethiopia in under 15 minutes..?
You don't understand the leverage Puntland has. Puntland assets will stay Puntlands with the FGS. Or you can sell it off for peanuts to the UAE, China or whoever pays the highest bribe.
I seriously would like to see the terms of the deals Deni is going to sign. I can't see them being better than the deals signed by Gaas and they were bad.
I presume Khadar Faroole will accompany him. Our go man to China who also has relations to UAE.
President Deni himself has extensive links to both countries so the trip makes sense!
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Isn't he the one who committed that crime (don't want to mention it)?Khadar Faroole deserves to be shot.
Isn't he the one who committed that crime (don't want to mention it)?
I was referring to the one who committed that atrocious family crime.No, this is the one Faroole foisted upon Deni in order to give the Cisse Maxamud votes. Deni made a deal to give Faroole’s son a position as advisor in exchange for support. He will regret this, Faroole’s hunger for power is limitless.