President Deni wants a public debate with President HSM



PL brought federalism because its the only system that can keep warring clans away from each other while united at the nation-state level. The Hamar crew want to re implement colonial, syl, kacaan structures not explaining to the people how those structures of centralised power created a rebel movement, and finally a civil war.

The Hamar leaders love qol mugdi ah, love moryanimo, under the table bribes, to achieve its policy, they can never and I mean never come in any public setting before the people with their idealogy. If your so confident of your idealogy, why resort to Mussolini mafia culture which even the Italians overthrew.
Civilised puntite Birmade Deni offers to debate HSM in front of the nation, on the merits of federalism and the state building process, HSM supporters start bawling and chimping out, with them it’s either seize power through the barrel of the gun or be hypocritical and dishonest when out of power

another day on the Macrobia strip


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Very civilised on deni's part to reccomend a debate between HSM so the the 2 ideologies duke it out in a reasonable manner lets hope HSM accepts the challenge
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Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
Somalia is currently way too decentralised
There needs to be centralisation to a level such as border management and foreign affairs for the country to function

somaliland has highlited this weakness with the MOU they struck with a foreign country


Reer guri
I'm here for debates. If somalis got into debates then we can see the worth of these so call politicians.
I doubt some of these guys can even read let alone have an ideological debate. It would still be funny though to see their talking points.


I doubt some of these guys can even read let alone have an ideological debate. It would still be funny though to see their talking points.
It would be great. Maybe those that defend the political class based on qabiil will be shock at how utterly retarded they truly are. The true tragedy of the state is that it had yet to reach a level in which the intellectuals can rise and displace the bullshit we have.


Reer guri
It would be great. Maybe those that defend the political class based on qabiil will be shock at how utterly retarded they truly are. The true tragedy of the state is that it had yet to reach a level in which the intellectuals can rise and displace the bullshit we have.
Agreed sxb, this would definitely wake up a lot of people.
It would be great. Maybe those that defend the political class based on qabiil will be shock at how utterly retarded they truly are. The true tragedy of the state is that it had yet to reach a level in which the intellectuals can rise and displace the bullshit we have.

You guys wish that Somali politicians were all uneducated. In fact, some of the most vicious ones are very educated. Education does not equal good character, and that's a trap Somalis fall in, when they elect 'qof wax bartay', whose morality is not evident, and who doesn't have an actual track record of good governance.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
It would be great. Maybe those that defend the political class based on qabiil will be shock at how utterly retarded they truly are. The true tragedy of the state is that it had yet to reach a level in which the intellectuals can rise and displace the bullshit we have.
Deni is corrupt and makes underhanded deals because he has no choice, it’s the only way he can keep his state functioning from presidents that cut his aid every term. There’s also people within PL trying to topple it so he has to please every clan. The president can just get PSF or araanjaan to commit to spoiling PL and they’d do it. Gurgurte is corrupt for no reason.
Civilised puntite Birmade Deni offers to debate HSM in front of the nation, on the merits of federalism and the state building process, HSM supporters start bawling and chimping out, with them it’s either seize power through the barrel of the gun or be hypocritical and dishonest when out of power

another day on the Macrobia strip
What does Birmade mean?


You guys wish that Somali politicians were all uneducated. In fact, some of the most vicious ones are very educated. Education does not equal good character, and that's a trap Somalis fall in, when they elect 'qof wax bartay', whose morality is not evident, and who doesn't have an actual track record of good governance.
I get what your saying but don't you think there should at least be a bar of standards one should have to be in politics. I'm not saying all MPs should be extremely intelligent, a man with great life experience could out rank someone who had a PHD. However there should be a push to standardize the political scene.

Personally I think Deni is setting a good standard by inviting HSM to debate. If you as a leader can not articulate your views and plans then folks should question your position. Good character is great but that person should have the knowledge to back it up, one without the other is worth little to nothing.
Somalia needs a constitutional convention like Chile had, not a single president writing a whole new constitution and trying to push it down everyone’s throats
I get what your saying but don't you think there should at least be a bar of standards one should have to be in politics. I'm not saying all MPs should be extremely intelligent, a man with great life experience could out rank someone who had a PHD. However there should be a push to standardize the political scene.

Personally I think Deni is setting a good standard by inviting HSM to debate. If you as a leader can not articulate your views and plans then folks should question your position. Good character is great but that person should have the knowledge to back it up, one without the other is worth little to nothing.

I agree, ideally both.

I also think we need to ban people from being elected, who don't have a track record of honest and good governance at a mayoral level at least. They come in, out of nowhere, with large bags of money (foreign money), and leave with even more.


Somalia needs a constitutional convention like Chile had, not a single president writing a whole new constitution and trying to push it down everyone’s throats
For this to happen all leaders must act like adults and lock themselves in a room till they come to an agreement. Personally I think the state can function as a federal government if all come to a agreement on the new constitution and what powers are state and what are presidential.


I agree, ideally both.

I also think we need to ban people from being elected, who don't have a track record of honest and good governance at a mayoral level at least. They come in, out of nowhere, with large bags of money (foreign money), and leave with even more.
You make a fantastic point. The whole system might need remaking to properly protect the citizens of every state of the nation. The last thing I want is UAE or Qatar money influencing our leaders and that having a knock on effect of impact the people those leaders should be serving. I'm for people doing right by their citizens and their nation but that only comes about by knowledgeable people in the driving seat and a system that is air tight. All things which are easier said then done but I hold onto hope.


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