President Deni wants a public debate with President HSM

Absolutely disgusting, what type of backwards country is there where a governor can challenge the national president to a debate. Anyone who disagrees with this statement is a filthy qabilist.


Absolutely disgusting, what type of backwards country is there where a governor can challenge the national president to a debate. Anyone who disagrees with this statement is a filthy qabilist.

We don't worship abbeyaal like siyad or presidents or individuals but the rule of law, constitution Iyo sharci, supreme courts to resolve conflicts you worship fallable man nacala kugu yaal, f*ck U we don't have the same culture how can we share a nation? We don't worship men in PL, U do.


@TekNiKo wallahi he can't face Deni in a national debate on federation vs colonialism, syl, kacaan experiments because we know where those type of govt led too, it's just repeating another failed state outcome where as federation represents the closest to Somali historical situation where things r separate and things r shared control, even then federation is the closest model inside a united context but the most accurate model is complete balkanization and separate political and territorial control and only shared security like we saw in adal n sayid era.

We don't ever unite other then common security interest,this is the historical fact, our talo n dhul is always separate, this can not be denied by any historian, HSM is trying to recreate failed centralism experiments Inherited from fascist colonials who themselves were deposed like Mussolini in their homeland, his holding onto a model inspired by colonials because they knew your nation would be weakened thru political, territorial unity because they know it never was done in the past and these dulis want us to return to this arrangement where we the laughing stock of the world when we try to unite because they know it will end In a rebel or clan warfare which is their intention.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
@TekNiKo wallahi he can't face Deni in a national debate on federation vs colonialism, syl, kacaan experiments because we know where those type of govt led too, it's just repeating another failed state outcome where as federation represents the closest to Somali historical situation where things r separate and things r shared control, even then federation is the closest model inside a united context but the most accurate model is complete balkanization and separate political and territorial control and only shared security like we saw in adal n sayid era.

We don't ever unite other then common security interest,this is the historical fact, our talo n dhul is always separate, this can not be denied by any historian, HSM is trying to recreate failed centralism experiments Inherited from fascist colonials who themselves were deposed like Mussolini in their homeland, his holding onto a model inspired by colonials because they knew your nation would be weakened thru political, territorial unity because they know it never was done in the past and these dulis want us to return to this arrangement where we the laughing stock of the world when we try to unite because they know it will end In a rebel or clan warfare which is their intention.
Whats wrong with SYL I understand kacaan but if it wasnt for SYL we wouldnt even get our independence.


a model inspired by colonials because they knew your nation would be weakened thru political, territorial unity
Excuse Me Reaction GIF by One Chicago



You don't get it bro when your enemy feeds U what U want knowing it will end up in failed state and clan warfare, the foreigners will feed U unity nonsense knowing it won't ever turn productive because they know it will lead to a power struggle thru rebel or clan movements, they want U weakened bro because unity doesn't help U it's hurts U, to much history has proven it. I don't blame foreigners supporting a one Somalia project because they know it will end in civil war, I just blame silly Somalis playing into their bait like you.
I believe there’s nothing wrong with having a debate, especially considering it's been over a decade since the decision to federalize the nation. A discussion about Somalia's structure and its future is necessary. Deni is positioning himself as a clear alternative to HSM, so it might be best to frame this debate within the context of the upcoming presidential election, about a year from now. This way, we can avoid turning Somali politics into a superficial, "debate bro" style of discourse.
Absolutely disgusting, what type of backwards country is there where a governor can challenge the national president to a debate. Anyone who disagrees with this statement is a filthy qabilist.
Relax sxb, of course an open debate is good for accountability, most advanced have countries have this type of accountability..
Whats wrong with SYL I understand kacaan but if it wasnt for SYL we wouldnt even get our independence.
SYL were well intentioned but they made a huge amounts of mistakes, they should have listened to HDM on federalism and to the GSL on the armed struggle.
We don't worship abbeyaal like siyad or presidents or individuals but the rule of law, constitution Iyo sharci, supreme courts to resolve conflicts you worship fallable man nacala kugu yaal, f*ck U we don't have the same culture how can we share a nation? We don't worship men in PL, U do.
Bro shut up u keep thinking im a hawiye from xamar just blindly supporting the government. No I hate HSM just as much as you do. But im looking for the betterment of somalia, Im looking at the bigger picture. The fact that this idea has even been brought up just shows how dysfunctional the government is. Whenever I hear good news about somalia, like egypt coming in. I get sad because I know theres a always going to be a catch. The government is incompetent. The states, are incompetent.
Whats wrong with SYL I understand kacaan but if it wasnt for SYL we wouldnt even get our independence.
Syl was extremely corrupt and did not care about the people, theres a twitter thread on this i read... they were also agents


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Bro shut up u keep thinking im a hawiye from xamar just blindly supporting the government. No I hate HSM just as much as you do. But im looking for the betterment of somalia, Im looking at the bigger picture. The fact that this idea has even been brought up just shows how dysfunctional the government is. Whenever I hear good news about somalia, like egypt coming in. I get sad because I know theres a always going to be a catch. The government is incompetent. The states, are incompetent.

Syl was extremely corrupt and did not care about the people, theres a twitter thread on this i read... they were also agents
Send the twitter thread
Bro shut up u keep thinking im a hawiye from xamar just blindly supporting the government. No I hate HSM just as much as you do. But im looking for the betterment of somalia, Im looking at the bigger picture. The fact that this idea has even been brought up just shows how dysfunctional the government is. Whenever I hear good news about somalia, like egypt coming in. I get sad because I know theres a always going to be a catch. The government is incompetent. The states, are incompetent.

Syl was extremely corrupt and did not care about the people, theres a twitter thread on this i read... they were also agents
PL will not accept this little IC project HSM is trying fulfill. There shouldn't be any negotiation talks until all those illegitimate agreements are taken back. All paper FMS's agreed to HSM destroying federalism.



Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
He should accept that debate and not back out; let’s see two politicians discussing their problems publicly.
Gurgurte would get ripped a new one in a public debate. Even world bank is investigating him and different visas to Somalia have questioned his government for “human trafficking” when he tries to send his relatives to other countries to seek asylum


Gurgurte would get ripped a new one in a public debate. Even world bank is investigating him and different visas to Somalia have questioned his government for “human trafficking” when he tries to send his relatives to other countries to seek asylum
Iska hadal miyaa waxaada?

noun: human trafficking
  1. the unlawful act of transporting or coercing people in order to benefit from their work or service, typically in the form of forced labour or sexual exploitation.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Iska hadal miyaa waxaada?

noun: human trafficking
  1. the unlawful act of transporting or coercing people in order to benefit from their work or service, typically in the form of forced labour or sexual exploitation.
Raale isii, human trafficking maha. He’s giving people tahrib for some reason when they’re supposed to be sent by FGS to go for different reasons.
Send the twitter thread I lost it but ithink i made a thread about it on here but the link I gave is who I think it was from. Good twitter guy. He also thinks we should change capital I fully agree.

Yeah Its lost .. for now. I need to do a better job archiving it but wallahi im not lying.|
PL will not accept this little IC project HSM is trying fulfill. There shouldn't be any negotiation talks until all those illegitimate agreements are taken back. All paper FMS's agreed to HSM destroying federalism.

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HSM has got to go, Deni has got to go. All puppets being controlled, we need real central leadership thats what we need.