President Farmaajo attends gathering of muslim leaders

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What is totally sad is the west has taken a stranglehold on the term secular as if they created the system thru greece. They never created it, humans have always been secular since the first man walked this earth. Man has used his brain for his survival from day 1 and totally separated that from religion, tribe, language, etc. It's not a new thing!!! But the west sells shit like no other, they good marketers that's for sure. Notice all the videos on philosophy-governance-history is all around western theme. It's sad cuz I think their have been societies who have had far more wisdom but it's never shown cuz the winner obviously will sell his own history
What is totally sad is the west has taken a stranglehold on the term secular as if they created the system thru greece. They never created it, humans have always been secular since the first man walked this earth. Man has used his brain for his survival from day 1 and totally separated that from religion, tribe, language, etc. It's not a new thing!!! But the west sells shit like no other, they good marketers that's for sure. Notice all the videos on philosophy-governance-history is all around western theme. It's sad cuz I think their have been societies who have had far more wisdom but it's never shown cuz the winner obviously will sell his own history
You are mental slave of white men, xoolo fooqal xoolo, waxii ay kuu sheegaanba waad qaadanaysaa ma telefoonkii lacagta lagu shubanayay ayaad tahay duliyahow


You are mental slave of white men, xoolo fooqal xoolo, waxii ay kuu sheegaanba waad qaadanaysaa ma telefoonkii lacagta lagu shubanayay ayaad tahay duliyahow

get ya begging bowl, sxb!!! wax kale garan maysid, just cuz ur brain is small dont hate me for it!!! ur brain only knows how to remain dependent, u cant think beyond that. Totally conquered ba tahay!!!

where is some damn bananas for goodness sakes!!! haloo qaybiyo ninkan he knows no other way but that!!! This sort of man needs to ask a sheikh or some arab how to keep his house in order, his not even a man he dont even know basic shit without the guidance of some man in a far away land. Wallahi its sad but thats how mentally conquered he is!!!
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get ya begging bowl, sxb!!! wax kale garan maysid, just cuz ur brain is small dont hate me for it!!! ur brain only knows how to remain dependent, u cant think beyond that. Totally conquered ba tahay!!!

where is some damn bananas for goodness sakes!!! haloo qaybiyo ninkan he knows no other way but that!!! This sort of man needs to ask a sheikh or some arab how to keep his house in order, his not even a man he dont even know basic shit without the guidance of some man in a far away land. Wallahi its sad but thats how mentally conquered he is!!!
You are stupid. slave , who is your white master


You are stupid. slave , who is your white master

Im a slave but u have no ideas but to copy others in saudi arabia!!! Plus u insult that shows you cant intellectually prove your point which means your small brained!!! We gonna get rid of your islamists and arab worship, those days r gone. Mohamed bin salman will tell u to get in line lol he already changing saudi arabia which means you will need to quickly get in line like u always did!!! All your radical ulama are sitting in jails right now lol!!! HAHAHAH and they so cowards shabab and isis they even cover their face, why u cover ur face if u proud of what u believe!!!


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Thawban - radhiallahu 'anhu - the freed slave of the Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam. He related that the Messenger of Allah said: "The nations are about to call each other and set upon you, just as diners set upon food." It was said: "Will it be because of our small number that day?" He said:

"Rather, on that day you will be many, but you will be like foam, like the foam on the river. And Allah will remove the fear of you from the hearts of your enemies and will throw wahn (weakness) into your hearts." Someone said: "O Messenger of Allah! What is wahn?" He said: "Love of the world and the hatred for death."
Sahih: Related by Abu Dawud (no. 4297), Ibn 'Asakirin in Tarikh Dimashq (2/97/8) and others.
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