President Hassan Sheikh meets with Turkish Intelligence Agency chief in Muqdisho


I don’t really think it’s an issue for an intelligence chief to meet the leader of another nation but what you pasted here isn’t really comparable. This is the CIA chief meeting with Egypt during the Israel/Palestine war. A hell of a lot more at stake there, Egypt was also mediating negotiations for hostages. Two completely different situations.
Well is this not the mit chief meeting with us after the signing of a military economic agreement amidst the ongoing campaign against the khawarij and tensions with ethiopia after the port deal?
Bo bro do u know when u leave their airport as u come to km 4 before aargada that neighbourhood is the airport neoghbourhood is the greenzone politcians and business pple leave there.

Ah that small triangle next to where it says Dagmada Waaberi? MashaAllah!
I have videos i took yesterday but i cant post here for security reasons imo. 🙃.
Xamar is to dengerous to post things specialy in that neoghbourhood beter be low key.
There is no law that prohibts it but beter keep videos to u self but usualy i only take it constraction site.and post on whatsapp story
I have videos i took yesterday but i cant post here for security reasons imo. 🙃.
Xamar is to dengerous to post things specialy in that neoghbourhood beter be low key.
There is no law that prohibts it but beter keep videos to u self but usualy i only take it constraction site.and post on whatsapp story
Mashallah I’m proud of you. Keep going my Majabe cousin.
I have another murusade with me there is abakar 😂😂.
Also i have ogaden guy from kenya they are good guys the project is masive is 12 story office and resdiential complex milions of dolars walhi

Are many of the engineers and other skilled workers at the site Somali or foreign?

Kudos to you btw, great seeing young professionals working hard back home.

