President Laftagareen supports the MPs of KGS that spoke recently, and addresses people who slander their name.

@Kamaaludeen Al Reewin see how @Thegoodshepherd ignored to answer your kenya question in kismaayo. When @Thegoodshepherd was a massive supporter of the Kenyans over the SFG during farmaajo term.

If he believes in ulusow right to invite anyone then ask him how come ulusow doesn't control the airports and sea ports of puntland?
Pure hypocricy. He will support Kenyans in Kismaayo, also deny SNA in Puntland and then push that onto KGS and Gedo and Hiraan. Don't know what he benefits.
@Kamaaludeen Al Reewin see how @Thegoodshepherd ignored to answer your kenya question in kismaayo. When @Thegoodshepherd was a massive supporter of the Kenyans over the SFG during farmaajo term.

If he believes in ulusow right to invite anyone then ask him how come ulusow doesn't control the airports and sea ports of puntland?

Shepherd in 2018
Kenya's main prerogative is not to take Jubaland's resources, other than the sea dispute. It has resources that dwarf anything Somalis can ever hope for. Its main objective is simply to contain the jihadists in Somalia and limit spillover. If Jubaland manages to build a militia that can push Alshabab back into Bay&Bakool, Kenya's presence will no longer be needed. There is nothing Somalia has, other than the sea, that interests Kenya or Ethiopia in the slightest. They are each 10x more naturally endowed than Somalia.

The Kenyan presence in Jubaland is a golden opportunity because it means that you can move Jubaland's entire militia out of Kismayo and be sure that it won't fall to Hawiye or Alshabab, read Rahanweyn, while you are out fighting. Kenya provides a fall back in case the war against Alshabab is more difficult than imagined.



Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
@Yazi find a post where I said that Farmaajo has no right to dismiss the Kenyan troops.

This is what I had to say when Farmaajo was in office:
The Ethiopians refusing "supervision" is a test of Farmaajo's resolve. Somalia has to gain some of its sovereignty back. The longer this crazy situation of having foreign troops that are unaccountable to the Federal gov continues , the less likely that Somalia will ever regain complete sovereignty.

Ethiopia and Kenya want to establish a norm of them entering Somalia anytime they wish, so that when a functioning gov is created they can intervene when their interests are threatened. They are thinking 20-30 years in the future.
Laftagareen and his allies are having a mare here. They know that the arrival of Egypt entails a new set of elites that replace them as Ethiopia leaves. It’s their fault for not building a buffer against AS that is independent of Ethiopian troops.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Ethiopia is the reason LG won last time, so unless they get them out of there, LG can’t be removed.
@Yazi find a post where I said that Farmaajo has no right to dismiss the Kenyan troops.

This is what I had to say when Farmaajo was in office:


Word salad. You clearly where and still are pro kenya for your beloved madoobe to spite MX and other native jubbalanders.

You where also pro Ethiopia upto the point when the tplf where replaced with abiy who then formed a good relationship with farmaajo admin.

Your entire so called "political stance" is based on the hatred of individuals like farmaajo and as soon as he is gone everything you pretending you didn't like you like now. Hypocrisy - which is why I always refer to you as the biggest munafiq in this forum


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Word salad. You clearly where and still are pro kenya for your beloved madoobe to spite MX and other native jubbalanders.

You where also pro Ethiopia upto the point when the tplf where replaced with abiy who then formed a good relationship with farmaajo admin.

Your entire so called "political stance" is based on the hatred of individuals like farmaajo and as soon as he is gone everything you pretending you didn't like you like now. Hypocrisy - which is why I always refer to you as the biggest munafiq in this forum

I think it is clear from that quote that I have been consistent all along. The federal government has always had the right to ask any foreign troops to leave Somalia. The only entity that can override such an order is the UN Security Council.

I hate Farmaajo because he was a stupid man who was trying to subvert the 2012 constitution on which Puntland spent so much of its political capital.

I don’t hate Marehan, we are tol. I just think that Marehan have NO clan-based territorial claim to Kismayo. Just as I have no clan-based claim to Bosaso. If you want to lay a Jubaland citizenship based claim to Kismayo, that is welcome. Kismayo is the clan home of Absame and Harti. Anyone who makes a clan based claim to it will be put 6 feet under.
I think it is clear from that quote that I have been consistent all along. The federal government has always had the right to ask any foreign troops to leave Somalia. The only entity that can override such an order is the UN Security Council.

I hate Farmaajo because he was a stupid man who was trying to subvert the 2012 constitution on which Puntland spent so much of its political capital.

I don’t hate Marehan, we are tol. I just think that Marehan have NO clan-based territorial claim to Kismayo. Just as I have no clan-based claim to Bosaso. If you want to lay a Jubaland citizenship based claim to Kismayo, that is welcome. Kismayo is the clan home of Absame and Harti. Anyone who makes a clan based claim to it will be put 6 feet under.

As expected not 1 single halal thing was said. The munaafiqinmo is very strong in you. My point in this exchange is to educate the others about your munaafiqinmo I have no desire to discuss my state jubbaland with a shisheeye like yourself.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
As expected not 1 single halal thing was said. The munaafiqinmo is very strong in you. My point in this exchange is to educate the others about your munaafiqinmo I have no desire to discuss my state jubbaland with a shisheeye like yourself.

Runsheeg waa ceeb sheeg. Runtu waxay u kharaartahay sida dawada ee hoo cab.Ninka shisheeyaha dhabarka ku sita waa kan garamgaramka lo’da ii raaci jirtay naf ka raadinaya.

Jubaland belongs to all of us, laakin Kismayo aniga leh. Sidaas ula soco my small toothed friend.

