President of Jubaland considering to resign before August 2019

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amazing, a b00n from dusamreeb telling the original jubalander conquerors we are refugees, yet would love to see how he explains away so called refugees ruling him,
Cagdheer my family has land within Kismayo an Oromo cagdheer from dds is ethiopian nasab madoobe was installed in 5kilometers of kismayo by uhuru that is well known; Either way he won't be coming back and it isn't one man one vote in JL for a long time you buffoon. We have 19mps and you have 21 (which is very wrong in the first place since we live in all of Gedo and many areas in lower jubba our mps should be at 28 and yours at 18 or so but this will be fixed with new leadership anyways) and the mps of the other groups are fed up with madoobe so another cagdheer getting leadership in JL is slim to none. The deciding factor in the end will be money and madoobe would be very foolish to try and run for another term.


Seeker of knowledge and truth
Cagdheer my family has land within Kismayo an Oromo cagdheer from dds is ethiopian nasab madoobe was installed in 5kilometers of kismayo by uhuru that is well known; Either way he won't be coming back and it isn't one man one vote in JL for a long time you buffoon. We have 19mps and you have 21 (which is very wrong in the first place since we live in all of Gedo and many areas in lower jubba our mps should be at 28 and yours at 18 or so but this will be fixed with new leadership anyways) and the mps of the other groups are fed up with madoobe so another cagdheer getting leadership in JL is slim to none. The deciding factor in the end will be money and madoobe would be very foolish to try and run for another term.
Cagdheer has 19 but Jidwaaq has 2 because of Kuumade luckily Jidwaaq are brave die hard nasab Somali nationalist and don’t follow cow ass /adoon cock blowers
Lo’futa ka afuufe your a minority in Jubbaland everybody knows this,you pleaseantly serve Kikuyu interest in Somalia because your powerless without Adoonta sankweyns military you came riding in Kismayo on their cocks its time for deportation Mexican you can’t serve 2 masters serve us Somalis or serve the Adoons you have no other option
Ina adeer these cagdheers are confused are they oromos, wardeis or kikuyu? Aren't these the same people that cried for Melez zenawi's death? And said we are nothing without Kenyan defense force? These illegal alliens will have to be deported back from our lands. Where was cagdheers before kenyan defense force intervened on their behalf? They were getting humiliated in the streets of kismayo anyone from that city knows this. You are dhabodilifs and couldn't say a peep in for a long time in Kismayo. Don't act mighty online when you didn't beat us, but KDF did.
Cagdheer my family has land within Kismayo an Oromo cagdheer from dds is ethiopian nasab madoobe was installed in 5kilometers of kismayo by uhuru that is well known; Either way he won't be coming back and it isn't one man one vote in JL for a long time you buffoon. We have 19mps and you have 21 (which is very wrong in the first place since we live in all of Gedo and many areas in lower jubba our mps should be at 28 and yours at 18 or so but this will be fixed with new leadership anyways) and the mps of the other groups are fed up with madoobe so another cagdheer getting leadership in JL is slim to none. The deciding factor in the end will be money and madoobe would be very foolish to try and run for another term.
Harti meeqa la siiye ama ay leyhyin


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
Marexaan ha lo dhiibo sanadkaan. Ileen Madoobe waanu aragnay. Bal inay Marexaan dhaman aan suugno. Ka waran

Do you realy think Ogadens will let that happen, JL is their baby and their bargaining chip and they will never let that happen.

Col Barre Hiiraale is the only hope for Marehan to win this election and dominate it due to Farmaajo support and other Hartis in the region.

Let us hope for an overall fair election like Puntland and hope our brothers for a peaceful democratic election.
I’m guessing this is fake news
No migga leaves Kismayo without xoog

Waa sunnada magaalada :drakelaugh:

Do you realy think Ogadens will let that happen, JL is their baby and their bargaining chip and they will never let that happen.

Col Barre Hiiraale is the only hope for Marehan to win this election and dominate it due to Farmaajo support and other Hartis in the region.

Let us hope for an overall fair election like Puntland and hope our brothers for a peaceful democratic election.
Harti kulahaa how dumb do you think I am I honestly hope Ogaden and Marehan can sit down and work together for the Juba Valley interests and also deport your people as illegal aliens on one way tickets to Bari snakeyahow laba waji leh do you think Kismayo is Mudug we are hostile to the name Harti


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
No migga leaves Kismayo without xoog

Waa sunnada magaalada :drakelaugh:

Harti kulahaa how dumb do you think I am I honestly hope Ogaden and Marehan can sit down and work together for the Juba Valley interests and also deport your people as illegal aliens on one way tickets to Bari snakeyahow laba waji leh do you think Kismayo is Caabudwaaq we are hostile to the name Harti

How about the Ogadeen and Marehan refugees who are flocking into JL since 1970 from Ethiopia, they belong right there miyaa?:gucciwhat:
amazing, a b00n from dusamreeb telling the original jubalander conquerors we are refugees, yet would love to see how he explains away so called refugees ruling him,
Claiming Kismayo but you need Black Man to GIVE you lands to hell increase your numbers in the city my family had land when MJska aad xoolo umaalijirteen how the f#ck can you can you call us refugees from Dhusamareb if you need affirmative action being given land ilkodheer logic :chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah::russ:
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Poons swearing at us talking about Kenya. Where were you when we chased hiiraale out of the city in broad day light. Marehan have a habit of abandoning their leaders.

Pooon are only mighty online. We all know what will happen if it is one on one war between us.

You are not getting the presidency. Keep crying online sidii ninkii geela laga dhacayo ku jawaabay "ragii cay baan u dhaamiayay" kolkii lagu yidhi "ragii geela kaa dhacay mala dagaashay"?:drakelaugh:
Poons swearing at us talking about Kenya. Where were you when we chased hiiraale out of the city in broad day light. Marehan have a habit of abandoning their leaders.

Pooon are only mighty online. We all know what will happen if it is one on one war between us.

You are not getting the presidency. Keep crying online sidii ninkii geela laga dhacayo ku jawaabay "ragii cay baan u dhaamiayay" kolkii lagu yidhi "ragii geela kaa dhacay mala dagaashay"?:drakelaugh:
Wa loo joogo sxb meesha ma lagu kalabaxayo axmaq wakhtigiisa wu damathay meesha waxa uu ficaan inu si ayar leh is casilo. Cagdheer dambe inu so faristo kursiga jubbaland waa ka xaran. Hiirale wuxu la dagalamay Kablalax, iyo alshabab oo isku jiro wuu ka rayey marku soo noqday. Laakin wax kharsoon mahan ineh KDF bantus meesha Barre kasaran si kaleh meesha muu ka bixi lehen. soo baro tariqdha waxa tahay cunug yar oo waligis mareykan ka bixin maxa taqana jubbaland?
Wa loo joogo sxb meesha ma lagu kalabaxayo axmaq wakhtigiisa wu damathay meesha waxa uu ficaan inu si ayar leh is casilo. Cagdheer dambe inu so faristo kursiga jubbaland waa ka xaran. Hiirale wuxu la dagalamay Kablalax, iyo alshabab oo isku jiro wuu ka rayey marku soo noqday. Laakin wax kharsoon mahan ineh KDF bantus meesha Barre kasaran si kaleh meesha muu ka bixi lehen. soo baro tariqdha waxa tahay cunug yar oo waligis mareykan ka bixin maxa taqana jubbaland?

Barre plus shabab plus the Somali government all collaborated and still got whooped.

Maxamed zubair removed barre in 06

Poons are all talk.

You couldnt even defend msb with all the generals and the entire sna military machine at your disposal.

If hadal won you wars you guys would have won.

We are in Gedo as we speak. Jubaland inagaa leh. We built it.

If you don't submit to me you will take your half of ghetto and join the elay
Iyaga la tuugso.:trumpsmirk:

Cagdheer kaa dagi maayo sidii dhi.lo. :manny:


Seeker of knowledge and truth

Barre plus shabab plus the Somali government all collaborated and still got whooped.

Maxamed zubair removed barre in 06

Poons are all talk.

You couldnt even defend msb with all the generals and the entire sna military machine at your disposal.

If hadal won you wars you guys would have won.

We are in Gedo as we speak. Jubaland inagaa leh. We built it.

If you don't submit to me you will take your half of ghetto and join the elay
Iyaga la tuugso.:trumpsmirk:

Cagdheer kaa dagi maayo sidii dhi.lo. :manny:
Why didn’t you stop Abdi Iley from Oromo arresting him? Why did you use the Kenyan army in a war between 2 subclans? Where were you from 1993-2013 how come you never took Kismaayo all that time? Sxb we know what Cagdheer are don’t try to tell us different dabqoodhi xabash iyo kikuyu u shaqqeyaa tahay your weak mother fuckers your cowards who can’t fight their own battles
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