Cagdheer my family has land within Kismayo an Oromo cagdheer from dds is ethiopian nasab madoobe was installed in 5kilometers of kismayo by uhuru that is well known; Either way he won't be coming back and it isn't one man one vote in JL for a long time you buffoon. We have 19mps and you have 21 (which is very wrong in the first place since we live in all of Gedo and many areas in lower jubba our mps should be at 28 and yours at 18 or so but this will be fixed with new leadership anyways) and the mps of the other groups are fed up with madoobe so another cagdheer getting leadership in JL is slim to none. The deciding factor in the end will be money and madoobe would be very foolish to try and run for another term.amazing, a b00n from dusamreeb telling the original jubalander conquerors we are refugees, yet would love to see how he explains away so called refugees ruling him,