President of Ministry of Commerce And Industry of Oman Visits Puntland

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Why would anybody be against reuniting our brothers and sisters who have been oppressed and separated from us by European drawn lines? How is it normal for the Ogaden clan to be divided into Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia?
Thats what im asking you, you said this feeling was not here over 60 yrs ago:farole:
We are all somalis and it will happen one day:farole:


I am the Toby Flenderson of this forum
You are dumber than a bag of rocks, and incredibly insufferable to boot.
It's amazing how hard it is to like you as a user. I think you might even have @ItsHanna and @Endriam beat in that department. At least they can post comments that aren't total shit for longer than a 5 minute stretch.

I have literally nothing more to say to you. You've managed to get me to waste my time typing shit out to you, enjoy wasting the rest of your time calling people bootyclappers for contributing to the site.

Wow you don't like me?
The way he types my gaydar is going off. I'm sure he is receiving all the gay ads.
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