President of Ministry of Commerce And Industry of Oman Visits Puntland

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Your issue stems from self-image issues. That's very obvious. Are you exotic kulaha. loool

Meheri, or any other group is not special to me or other Puntites. They exist and we exist and we also co-exist in several countries.

What's next?

Are you going to have a tirade about skin-color?

Ilaahay ha ku caafiyo yareey.
Stop acting like they are any more special than somalis then
That's what you're doing Fardowsa and the sad thing is that you do not realize it.
We were just discussing history and trade relations about OUR people and you ran in here to make it an issue.

Puntland and Daarood lands are home to other groups such as the Ogayslabe of Sanaag and the Meheri of Bari, Nugaal and Mudug.
We're traders and we settle/settled where the trade is or other traders from other countries settled among us.

In the South of Somalia there are cadcads and barwaanis. I don't see you making a big deal about them?
If a Southern Somali who intermarried with Barwaanis claimed to be closer to a Barwaani than to a Puntite, would I give a shit? Nope.

What's your problem.
Suffering from Daarood phobia?
That's what you're doing Fardowsa and the sad thing is that you do not realize it.
We were just discussing history and trade relations about OUR people and you ran in here to make it an issue.

Puntland and Daarood lands are home to other groups such as the Ogayslabe of Sanaag and the Meheri of Bari, Nugaal and Mudug.
We're traders and we settle/settled where the trade is or other traders from other countries settled among us.

In the South of Somalia there are cadcads and barwaanis. I don't see you making a big deal about them?
If a Southern Somali who intermarried with Barwaanis claimed to be closer to a Barwaani than to a Puntite, would I give a shit? Nope.

What's your problem.
Suffering from Daarood phobia?
But they dont qabilist:susp:


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
WTF These trolls ruined a great topic. In what areas do the Omanis want to invest in?
Puntland should do whatever it must to secure shipment of these spicy flavoured chips :banderas:



WTF These trolls ruined a great topic. In what areas do the Omanis want to invest in?

Guddoomiye ku-Xigeenka barlamanka Puntland iyo Wasiiru dowlaha wasaaradda Warfaafinta, Isgaarsiinta, hiddaha iyo dhaqanka Puntland Dr.C.fitaax Nuur Ashkir ayaa maanta Wafdi Cumaani ah oo ka kooban guddoomiyaha rugta ganacsiga, hay’adda Maal-gashiga Cumaan iyo Madaxtooyada Saldanadda Cumaan.

Wafdiga Cumaan ayaa raba in uu dib-u-noolayn ku sameeyo xiriirkii Soo jireenka ahaa Ee Puntland iyo Cumaan u dhaxeen jiray.

Wasiiru dowlaha Warfaafinta, isgaarsiinta,hiddaha iyo dhaqanka Puntland ayaa hadalkiisa ku bilaabay β€œXiriirka aan Cumaan la leenahay waa mid soo jireen ah,oo salka ku haya ganacsi,dhaqan,Xiriir u dhexeeya labada dad ee kala deggan Cumaan iyo Puntland”.

Guddoomiye ku-xigeenka Baarlamanka Puntland ayaa asaguna wuxuu yiri” Puntland waa dhul dehin oo u baahan Maal-gashi in la gashado, waan soo dhawaynaynaa Wafdiga Cumaan nooga yimid”.
Wafdiga ayaa u jeedkiisu yahay sidii loo kordhin lahaa xiriirka ganacsi Ee labada dal,waxayna la kulmayaan Madaxweyne ku Xigeenka,waxay sidoo kale booqanayaan rugta ganacsiga,dekedda, garoonka diyaaradaha Bosaaso,iyo sidoo kale Maxjarada.

So basically the wafdi is there to re-establish trade and revive the bond between our people and will tour the the state to see where investment is needed:nvjpqts:


Seems like Puntland is getting more attention nowadays

and more investment and development along with it bro:banderas:

"The AAE-1 cable represents a key milestone in Omantel’s vision to become a truly global telecommunications player. The coming months will witness a completing significant new cable system namely β€˜Gulf to Africa’ that will connect Oman to Africa (Somalia and Ethiopia) which is expected to be completed by the end of 2017. Once completed, this system will radically change the availability of ample capacity for content, cloud and connectivity services in the highly underserved East Africa region."

Thanks to our honourable elders for re-establishing ties with kin there:salute:


@PuntiteQueen whats your take on this new PL-Oman relations, we have had this much interaction since the 70s?

Omanis have always had a keen interest in East Africa, in the past, it was exploitative, especially in Tanzania/Zanzibar.
Luckily for us, we have a large Omanised Harti population that is highly established, so this renewed relationship will be mutually beneficial.

The Siwaaqroon elder visited his people there last year I believe.

The next step is to get those MJ millionaires in Zambia to return home.
and more investment and development along with it bro:banderas:

"The AAE-1 cable represents a key milestone in Omantel’s vision to become a truly global telecommunications player. The coming months will witness a completing significant new cable system namely β€˜Gulf to Africa’ that will connect Oman to Africa (Somalia and Ethiopia) which is expected to be completed by the end of 2017. Once completed, this system will radically change the availability of ample capacity for content, cloud and connectivity services in the highly underserved East Africa region."

Thanks to our honourable elders for re-establishing ties with kin there:salute:


The old gentleman is dhulbahante married to warsangali and this is his son Mohamed al dhulbahant.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Not once did I say I was Arab :camby:
I am Somali and proud.
Bantus living in Somalia also apply here.
Pakistanis, Indians, Eskimos, Brazilians, who gives a damn. If they were born and raised and speak the language and practice the culture, they are Somali.
You get total morons like you who think being ethnically Somali is all you need. People with your attitude are a cancer upon Somalia.



Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Lmao i've noticed thats its a common way for her to leach off the achievements and positivity of other somalis by claiming they have a dhulbahante relative:mjlol:

As if putting Al before Dhulbahante makes it sound more Arab.

Yea I never knew Canuck was this spiteful, she use to wage a holy war against sland, which I wholeheartedly supported, but now that settled down she's coming for us :tocry:
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