Pro-choice or Pro-life?


  • Woman's choice

    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • I decided what a woman should do with her body!

    Votes: 3 30.0%

  • Total voters
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Keepin Southies in check since 1998
I wonder what pro-choice liberals think about sex-selective abortions (ie. aborting a fetus because of its gender). :ayaanswag:
This is widely done in China and India where expectant mothers terminate the pregnany if the fetus is a girl because its preferable in their culture to have sons.
Only if the mother is a rape victim, if there's a high chance the kid will be disabled or if the pregnancy is a risk to the mother's life. Otherwise no.


Suicidal men adore me.
I wonder what pro-choice liberals think about sex-selective abortions (ie. aborting a fetus because of its gender). :ayaanswag:
This is widely done in China and India where expectant mothers terminate the pregnany if the fetus is a girl because its preferable in their culture to have sons.

How can you blame that on liberals when it's clearly done because of culture? How about you point those fingers at the Chinese and hindu cultures that value boys over girls. It's the same thing when extreme muslims kill their first born daughters.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I'm pro life excluding rape and life threatening pregnancies.

If you don't want to have a baby then don't have a sex or use birth control simple as that.


Keepin Southies in check since 1998
How can you blame that on liberals when it's clearly done because of culture? How about you point those fingers at the Chinese and hindu cultures that value boys over girls. It's the same thing when extreme muslims kill their first born daughters.
That's want the Arab pagans use to do before Islam. Islam is against infanticide and gendercide.
Liberals are all about so-called womens' rights including abortions, but they're silent on Canadian women under going sex-selective abortions that target mostly female fetuses.
Abortions may be behind skewed boy-girl birth ratio among Indian-born moms: study


Suicidal men adore me.
If you're woman enough to lay down with a man then you're woman enough to take care of a child. I don't believe in abortion. Women who abort their babies are selfish. If you don't want a child then be on the pill, birth control shots and implants.

Aborting a unwanted baby is not selfish. It's a mature act. Imagine being forced to carry for 9 months and give birth to something you don't want and can't provide for.

I also find your first sentence to be laughable. Why do we constantly use that argument towards women? That kind of reasoning is never used on a man even though it takes two to create a child. Why are only women punished for having sex? I find that type of thinking to be deeply rooted in misogyny.

And something I would like to say to everyone that believes abortion is murder. A fetus is attached to the mother's body and can only survive inside of her womb. It's not an individual life that can actually manage to survive independently away from the mother. Therefor it's not an actual life. Does it have the potential to become a life, yes but only with the mothers consent since the fetus needs her body to be able to survive.

Also don't yall think forcing a woman to carry something for 9 months and then painfully give birth to it because of ones personal belief which might steam from religious basis is more selfish?


Suicidal men adore me.
That's want the Arab pagans use to do before Islam. Islam is against infanticide and gendercide.
Liberals are all about so-called womens' rights including abortions, but they're silent on Canadian women under going sex-selective abortions that target mostly female fetuses.
Abortions may be behind skewed boy-girl birth ratio among Indian-born moms: study

Once again the killing of female fetus is mostly done in countries where the boys life is more valued than the girls. It has nothing to do with pro-choice or liberal thinking. Infanticide particularly the killing of girls have existed for thousands of years. Trying to blame it on pro-choice is stupid.


Suicidal men adore me.
I'm pro life excluding rape and life threatening pregnancies.

If you don't want to have a baby then don't have a sex or use birth control simple as that.

Contraception does not always work. Some women are allergic to it, other can't use it because of other conditions. Perhaps we should ban women from having sex?
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