The Somali government has reversed its decision and invited UAE back ASAP so how goes your theory?
It's not a theory, it's a fact if they invite them back or not doesn't change the fact that Qatar runs Shabab, Atam retired there, Hamas leader lives there, all terrorists operate there, without Qatar terrorism isn't going anytime soon but will switch in tactics only.
As long as the idealogical support and funds are available, their will be hundreds of poor people joining their ranks to seek a living or those who are already brainwashed by Wahabist mosques operating or those who hate a foreign infidel presence. The reasons are there, the idealogy is there, and the funding is there.
They also collect local taxes from Bakaraha and have HG allies who never want to see a Somali govt come for bililiqo and fear reasons that diaspora and foreigners will out-do them in the market and impact on their influence.