they condemned their own people for an eternity of lethal cancerous toxic poison, this is what happens when you have uneducated broke ass greedy people leading.
Siad Barre aun said it best
Funny to me how these filthy b..oons are still praising the biggest scumbag to come out of somalia whilst simultaneously passing judgment on others. Incase your forgot Barre is responsible for the genocide of over 100 thousand somalis and the collapse of the entire country due his pathetic greed, but here you lot are still worshipping and singing praise of him, even worse trying to convince sane somalis your qabilism is somehow wadanimo.He is so right
Now days I just laugh when I see you gaajo b.oons crying about kdf shelling your folk in gedo, you openly side with the same xabashi that was used to level mogadishu, you praise and worship scum like barre - karma is b.itch and gedo b..oons will inshallah continue to pay for their sins.