Internet Nomad
First of all i do donate to cases like that but not trough some random reddit guy.I remember the abaar that happened..somali tiktokers were on the ground and raising funds..Capta*n Ay*b who won alot of money in a game was shamed into donating. Meanwhile for y'all diaspora nationalists...There is a guy in reddit that regularly posts about single mothers in Somalia who need monetary help..he has to post several times and barely collects the funds needed. GTFO with this vaux concern. No need to make a big deal about the little somalis collect for foreigner muslims .who knows the People you are admonishing probably are more of help to the poor in Somalia than y'all constant complainers.
I have family members who are more aware of what’s happening on the ground in somalia and they always ask me do you want to donate to a charity case. I don’t flaunt the charity i do online because its haram.
Dont assume so much about people you don’t know.