Protest erupts in Mogadishu over Ismail Haniyeh's death

Internet Nomad

I remember the abaar that happened..somali tiktokers were on the ground and raising funds..Capta*n Ay*b who won alot of money in a game was shamed into donating. Meanwhile for y'all diaspora nationalists...There is a guy in reddit that regularly posts about single mothers in Somalia who need monetary help..he has to post several times and barely collects the funds needed. GTFO with this vaux concern. No need to make a big deal about the little somalis collect for foreigner muslims .who knows the People you are admonishing probably are more of help to the poor in Somalia than y'all constant complainers.
First of all i do donate to cases like that but not trough some random reddit guy.

I have family members who are more aware of what’s happening on the ground in somalia and they always ask me do you want to donate to a charity case. I don’t flaunt the charity i do online because its haram.

Dont assume so much about people you don’t know.

Internet Nomad

This shit won't change as long as our population remains dumb. We need more educated Somali people that are able to recognize how fucked our situation is.
You have multiple generations of people who grew up in struggle. The human brain adapts to extreme conditions very quick. Outside looking in we can see how low their quality of life is but for many of them its the normal day to day sadly.


Quite the Islamist.
First of all i do donate to cases like that but not trough some random reddit guy.

I have family members who are more aware of what’s happening on the ground in somalia and they always ask me do you want to donate to a charity case. I don’t flaunt the charity i do online because its haram.

Dont assume so much about people you don’t know.
Arent all your comments on here just you assuming bs on the people back home displayIng sympathy

Good on you though. Help however you can, just don't shame others for also helping gazans.

Internet Nomad

Arent all your comments on here just you assuming bs on the people back home displayIng sympathy

Good on you though. Help however you can, just don't shame others for also helping gazans.
My issue is somalis who had a million people displaced due to flooding were still prioritising Palestine over themselves. You can’t stop a fire in another person house if yours is on fire.

I do help gazans whenever i can i drop some change at the masjid. I have no issue with helping the innocent victims of genocide. I have issue on misplaced priorities.


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
Lol anything for others nothing for yrself. Nothing wrong with mourning but don't burn your cities to the ground
To call me Ethiopian is the greatest honour every night i cry underneath my abiy ahmed shrine to wake up half oromo half habesh so for someone to acknowledge my ethiopian shilling is so validating
I would tell you to go back to, even they have less xabeshi xaasidnimo than a murtard like you.
There is zero protest for Somalia government corruption or Ethiopian forces inside Somalia. But anyway my Allah grant him al jannah🙏
Palestine and Gaza sent Somalia 300 thousand dollars for the floods in Beledweyne a few years ago and Gazans sent 20k during the 2012 famine despite being blockaided and bombed , what is wrong with Islamic solidarity and paying back what we owe? Idiotic mentally colonized Watanjis on here are moaning and seething like edgy children.
Okay you need to chill out dont call me a murtad im a muslim.

I can take habeshi jokes but calling me a murtad is too far.
It’s not a joke. Being an idiot and making light of Muslims suffering is on the road to murtardnimo. Ethiopia and Israel are two sons of the same mother, the occupation of jigjiga and of Jerusalem is the same. Who sent weapons to Sellasie in 1966 and Mingustu in 1997 and TPLF in 2007?
Al Kebab (foreign mercenaries) kill their Heroes daily in car bombings no demonstration, Yuhuuds kill a Palestinian hero full outrage.

Talk about misplaced priorities, “ Somalis a people without a cause”
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Internet Nomad

It’s not a joke. Being an idiot and making light of Muslims suffering is on the road to murtardnimo. Ethiopia and Israel are two sons of the same mother, the occupation of jigjiga and of Jerusalem is the same. Who sent weapons to Sellasie in 1966 and Mingustu in 1997 and TPLF in 2007?
You are a straight up liar i have never made light of the suffering of the Palestinian people. You people make light of the somali situation acting as if we are in a position to be aiding anyone else especially last year when a million people were displaced due to natural disasters. You are so quick to forget the somali situation.

I have hated the Ethiopian government and the occupation they have over galbeed. I sarcastically pretended i am ethiopian to your response because a unserious allegation deserves nothing more than an unserious response.

I donate both to somalis and Palestinians but somalis back home got bigger issues.


i’m sorry but will there be any protests for al shababs terrorist attack on their beach yesterday??
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Why don't Somalis in koonfur ever protest against Al-Shabab or the incompetency of the government? Serious question since the terrible conditions of Xamar and the rest of the south should prompt that sort of response like in any other country. Even maddoweyn protests sometimes


It just happened how do you expect them to protest?
There won’t be any protests either way.

The yahuud revolted against their government and took over military bases because their government dared to stop their soldiers from raping palestinian prisoners.

Meanwhile somalis don’t give a shit, they don’t demand their treasonous government to inflict harsh retaliation for these disgusting terrorist attacks on their cities constantly.
Meanwhile somalis don’t give shit a shit,
Its come to a point where I can no longer solely blame the government for their actions. Its Somalis who are complicit and allowing this gross incompetency to run wild. And for what gain? Because their qabil is running the show? They are still poor and in danger


Its come to a point where I can no longer solely blame the government for their actions. Its Somalis who are complicit and allowing this gross incompetency to run wild. And for what gain? Because their qabil is running the show? They are still poor and in danger
The government represents the people

That’s the truth

