Protestant ethiopians sing a gospel song in our language and wear our cultural clothes

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi

These protestants are funny, they are trying to convert people by singing essentially gibberish because their accents is so strong. They truly believe they are making a difference, I didn’t even clock they were trying to sing in somali until listening to this 3 times.

But lets examine this situation. You got gaals wearing our cultural clothes and singing in our language trying to psyop some 1-2 gullible guys into following shirk.

We should be doing the same. Spread the deen more then ever before. Its a clear pattern now, I have seen couple videos where these protestants are singing in our language. We must combat this and we got better things in our arsenal then mere singing.

Even at our lowest you got damn gaals learning our culture&language. Imagine if we were stable country. This is why I advocate for assimilating all horners and spreading our dhaqan to all of East Africa. We must become a cultural powerhouse of the region.

One of the greater mishaps we have done historically is that we haven’t done Futux al Xabesha 2.0. These protestants are mostly oromo, who got converted by american and europeans missionaried this last century. These guys should have been muslims man.

We can still rectify this by spreading the deen more then ever and being intolerable to them. Gaalada will be eaten by secularism and there we strike.
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I would have thought Amharic if you didn't tell me lol
LMFAO I'm crying I thought it was their language the whole time. I cant understand a lick of what they are saying. Also if a Somalis going to leave Islam why would they become a Christian this never works im dying.

These protestants are funny, they are trying to convert people by singing essentially gibberish because their accents is so strong. They truly believe they are making a difference, I didn’t even clock they were trying to sing in somali until listening to this 3 times.

But lets examine this situation. You got gaals wearing our cultural clothes and singing in our language trying to psyop some 1-2 gullible guys into following shirk.

We should be doing the same. Spread the deen more then ever before. Its a clear pattern now, I have seen couple videos where these protestants are singing in our language. We must combat this and we got better things in our arsenal then mere singing.

Even at our lowest you got damn gaals learning our culture&language. Imagine if we were stable country. This is why I advocate for assimilating all horners and spreading our dhaqan to all of East Africa. We must become a cultural powerhouse of the region.

One of the greater mishaps we have done historically is that we haven’t done Futux al Xabesha 2.0. These protestants are mostly oromo, who got converted by american and europeans missionaried this last century. These guys should have been muslims man.

We can still rectify this by spreading the deen more then ever and being intolerable to them. Gaalada will be eaten by secularism and there we strike.
Or ignore them. They do this to every ethnic group in Ethiopia and they haven’t had much luck. People are very unlikely to convert from one abrahamic faith to another.

These protestants are funny, they are trying to convert people by singing essentially gibberish because their accents is so strong. They truly believe they are making a difference, I didn’t even clock they were trying to sing in somali until listening to this 3 times.

But lets examine this situation. You got gaals wearing our cultural clothes and singing in our language trying to psyop some 1-2 gullible guys into following shirk.

We should be doing the same. Spread the deen more then ever before. Its a clear pattern now, I have seen couple videos where these protestants are singing in our language. We must combat this and we got better things in our arsenal then mere singing.

Even at our lowest you got damn gaals learning our culture&language. Imagine if we were stable country. This is why I advocate for assimilating all horners and spreading our dhaqan to all of East Africa. We must become a cultural powerhouse of the region.

One of the greater mishaps we have done historically is that we haven’t done Futux al Xabesha 2.0. These protestants are mostly oromo, who got converted by american and europeans missionaried this last century. These guys should have been muslims man.

We can still rectify this by spreading the deen more then ever and being intolerable to them. Gaalada will be eaten by secularism and there we strike.
Didn't understand anything it seems Qotis are prots now funny



These protestants are funny, they are trying to convert people by singing essentially gibberish because their accents is so strong. They truly believe they are making a difference, I didn’t even clock they were trying to sing in somali until listening to this 3 times.

But lets examine this situation. You got gaals wearing our cultural clothes and singing in our language trying to psyop some 1-2 gullible guys into following shirk.

We should be doing the same. Spread the deen more then ever before. Its a clear pattern now, I have seen couple videos where these protestants are singing in our language. We must combat this and we got better things in our arsenal then mere singing.

Even at our lowest you got damn gaals learning our culture&language. Imagine if we were stable country. This is why I advocate for assimilating all horners and spreading our dhaqan to all of East Africa. We must become a cultural powerhouse of the region.

One of the greater mishaps we have done historically is that we haven’t done Futux al Xabesha 2.0. These protestants are mostly oromo, who got converted by american and europeans missionaried this last century. These guys should have been muslims man.

We can still rectify this by spreading the deen more then ever and being intolerable to them. Gaalada will be eaten by secularism and there we strike.

It is just silly. Their religion is nonsensical so they resort to jumping around and singing songs and think it is effective.

Somalis have been doing Dawah to them for centuries.

Through Dawah and war the majority of Oromos became Muslim in recent history.

Through Dawah and war nearly 20% of Amhara are Muslims if not more.

And even then, they hide and suppress the true number of Muslims.

Their christians, like all christians, are liberalized. They are secular for the most part and their religion consists of some annual rituals. Their churches are highly politicized and split all the time due to ethnic/political differences. This is the reality of all christian nations, which is why they are all identical to secular atheists in lifestyle except for some cultural aesthetic differences like food and language. They all have the same social ills.

Whilst 100% of Somalis are Muslims even after over a century of being at the mercy of the west and their allies in ethiopia.

So of course you are right, seeing things like this should motivate us more to continue our efforts and strengthen them but keep the reality of the situation in mind as well.

Islam is growing in ethiopia and christianity and other religions do not exist in greater Somalia other then some foreign settlers in Galbeed who will inshaAllah return to where they came from.

@Idilinaa might have more historic sources on it.
If I was born into a Christian family, I'd leave that religion as soon as I could read through all these editions.

Loads of very shocking quotes from the bible in this link.

1) Murder, rape, and pillage at Jabesh-gilead (Judges 21:10-24 NLT)

So they sent twelve thousand warriors to Jabesh-gilead with orders to kill everyone there, including women and children. “This is what you are to do,” they said. “Completely destroy all the males and every woman who is not a virgin.” Among the residents of Jabesh-gilead they found four hundred young virgins who had never slept with a man, and they brought them to the camp at Shiloh in the land of Canaan.

5) Death to the Rape Victim (Deuteronomy 22:23-24 NAB)

If within the city a man comes upon a maiden who is betrothed, and has relations with her, you shall bring them both out of the gate of the city and there stone them to death: the girl because she did not cry out for help though she was in the city, and the man because he violated his neighbors wife.

It is clear that God doesn’t give a damn about the rape victim. He is only concerned about the violation of another mans “property”.

10) God Assists Rape and Plunder (Zechariah 14:1-2 NAB)

Lo, a day shall come for the Lord when the spoils shall be divided in your midst. And I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem for battle: the city shall be taken, houses plundered, women ravished; half of the city shall go into exile, but the rest of the people shall not be removed from the city. (Zechariah 14:1-2 NAB)

[The Lord speaking] “The one who has stolen what was set apart for destruction will himself be burned with fire, along with everything he has, for he has broken the covenant of the LORD and has done a horrible thing in Israel.” (Joshua 7:15 NLT)
Christianity is a big fat confusing joke of a religion that often contradicts itself. I'd much rather be an atheist if I were to miraculously somehow leave the deen.
Why is one wearing the Arab eqaal and shimagh :mjlol: