Protestors in Xamar try to take down painting of Farmajo

Can't expect the federal government to bring about change when it's based on qabiil (4.5) itself.
If that were to change though, people wouldn't listen to the government at all cause their qabiil wouldn't be "represented".

The problem lies with the Somali people and their mentality.
not to mention, the government is filled with old people and their never ending cuqdad.

a new constitution should be formed, no one older than 30 should be in any office of any kind.

give the kids a chance, I am sure they can do better than the old heads.

Yusuf M

History will vindicate him, under his reign there wasn't a single road closed, no protests, suicide bombings were minimal next to nothing, Puntland/Jubbaland edeb bay lahaayeen and the country was heading in a good direction.
Not true at all. Under Xassan Smiley there were almost weekly suicide bombings in Xamar. Corrupt officials from former president Smiley's kin would regularly walk in the Xamar bank and take out money under the blessings of former president Smiley as if it were their personal bank accounts. That's why that female finance minister had to quit. She just couldn't stand the level of corruption in Xamar. Weapons intended for Somali army would end up in Shabaab hands, and money donated by the international community disappeared without a trace. And has far as Puntland goes, former Puntland President Farole used to cut ties with Xamar whenever Xassan Smiley pissed him off or tried to play unfair. Seems like some people have short memories.


History will vindicate him, under his reign there wasn't a single road closed, no protests, suicide bombings were minimal next to nothing, Puntland/Jubbaland edeb bay lahaayeen and the country was heading in a good direction.

Môoryans fucking up their cities as usual. Nothing to see here.
I take back this comment. Reason being is that doing preventive measures on a city of 3-4 million like Xamar does not work. Faarmago does nothing for them and taking away their ability to make money is impossible in a lot of their minds. On top of that seeing someone get shot for trying to make a living set them off.


Bunch of horny teenagers going crazy for a couple of hours. Wake me up when it gets serious. It stopped as well.


Adaawe action has been taken not words anymore. More action is to come in the future. I can't wait till reer muqdisho ram-raid villa Somalia and capture Farmajo and drag him outside to the streets of mogadishu.


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
Adaawe action has been taken not words anymore. More action is to come in the future. I can't wait till reer muqdisho ram-raid villa Somalia and capture Farmajo and drag him outside to the streets of mogadishu.

How the non believers of Jaalle Farmaajo get handled out here



Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
Look at these apes tearing down Jaalle Farmaajo portraits warya nobody can do that. Glad the police cleared them wild folks its a pandemic plus Ramadan has started yet you see these apes climbing poles tf :mjlaugh:


Weeping for the Nation of 68
Xaarmaajo actually thinks Amisom can help him:ohhh:
Maybe he was in a cave when Abdullahi Yusuf's messianic army of 50.000 Xabashis fought daily battles with Cayr militants:russsmug:

Tick Tock tick tock, time is running out u Poon Dog.

We can pull out hawiye soldiers from sna, then massacre MX militias inside the city.
If poons wants to play like that, iam fine with it.

Only abgaal is enough for them(Amisom, MX and Murusade militias) now:pachah1:


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
Xaarmaajo actually thinks Amisom can help him:ohhh:
Maybe he was in a cave when Abdullahi Yusuf's messianic army of 50.000 Xabashis fought daily battles with Cayr militants:russsmug:

Tick Tock tick tock, time is running out u Poon Dog

Imam H.utu Farmaajo is not a opp to Mogadishu in fact he brought law and order to the city he was born and raised in. Do you justify those kids tearing down and throwing rocks causing mischief? Ruunta sheeg. Btw poon is not a slur but a slur to poon ilkodheers and poon Zanzibari's :mjlol:


Weeping for the Nation of 68
Imam H.utu Farmaajo is not opp to Mogadishu in fact he brought law and order to the city he was born and raised in. Do you justify those kids tearing down and throwing rocks causing mischief? Ruunta sheeg. Btw poon is not a slur but a slur to poon ilkodheers and poon Zanzibari's :mjlol:

Xaarmaajo wants to be the next siad barre hanging his photos everywhere, harassing journalists.
Something which we will never tolerate even if the whole country has to burn.

Poons must forget that the days of dictatorship is over.

The second a person decides to be next Afawerki, this country will go in flames. Thats for sure. And as punishment his clansmen will be targeted. This goes for any president that wishes to become dictator.


Peaceful protest is the best way for our voices to be heard, I am glad the police officer that killed two people was arrested and will face trial. However I plead with the mass to exercise caution as destroying property only sets us back as a nation. Let us respect the governments term and patiently wait for election to take place :)


Weeping for the Nation of 68
Peaceful protest is the best way for our voices to be heard, I am glad the police officer that killed two people was arrested and will face trial. However I plead with the mass to exercise caution as destroying property only sets us back as a nation. Let us respect the governments term and patiently wait for election to take place :)

Jiron thats difference between me and u.
U wouldnt mind Farmaajo ruling u for 20 years.

As for me and my clan, we will pick up weapons the second he commits fraud or tries the trick of Erdogan/Putin.

A burning city is better than these poons driving in mogadishu in luxury cars from stolen nation's money.


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
Xaarmaajo wants to be the next siad barre hanging his photos everywhere, harassing journalists.
Something which we will never tolerate even if the whole country has to burn.

Poons must forget that the days of dictatorship is over.

Yaa kugu diiray Jaalle Farmaajo cadowga maxa asaga. Horta you used to love the Kacaan and said we wanted Maslax to take over MSB and that you ridiculed the apes. Somalia as a nation has to prosper a leader and every leader is gonna put his face everywhere to show the world that Somalia has a leader. Journalists like Jamal Osman, Hamza, Harun Maruf are buffoons that deserve to get jailed. You just saying we going to 1991 that's just retarded fam you taking us back to phase 1 :westbrookwtf: The Kacaan is back fam make yourself at home bc N&N ain't leaving :lolbron:


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
Jiron thats difference between me and u.
U wouldnt mind Farmaajo ruling u for 20 years.

As for me and my clan, we will pick up weapons the second he commits fraud or tries the trick of Erdogan/Putin.

A burning city is better than these poons driving in mogadishu in luxury cars from stolen nation's money.

You are dawlid diid and paranoid kkkk. N&N is fixing everywhere not just Xamar kkkk



Hey brother, farmaajo will leave when his term is over and another person will take over. The new president will be celebrated at first only for half the country’s tribal leaders to oppose him when they don’t get their nacnac. rinse and repeat, this is why it’s crucial for people like myself, who can 100% remove ourselves from clan politics and put the well being of our country and it’s collective citizens interest first, to keep check and balances :)

Btw , my friend u have fled the country like I did, so u don’t mind war and destruction taking place back home, in reality u don’t care about people from ur clan dying, starving, children becoming fatherless and so on because if u did, u wouldn’t call for another 30 years of conflict, after all u probably have a nice job, beautiful air conditioned home and a fridge full of delicious food thousands of miles away. You are not in harms way, because the people of ur host country support and trust their government.

I will always support the dowlad, whether the president is Raxanweyn, hawiye, issaq, darood. SFG is the only and final solution to our problems. You must always put emotion aside and keep the bigger picture, if u can’t, we will and inshallah we will witness our country emerging from a failed state to a vibrant and successful wadan where u and I, and our children benifit from :)

