Protests in France

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Maghrebis and Francophone West Africans are already too much for them to handle.
A social experiment they said.....they will soon go back they said. Rich cadaan are fucking over poor cadaan! them and the jews are on mount Olympus playing god with human minorities.

What's with the anti-Muslim rhetoric on this website? Are you guys not Muslim yourselves? Did all that Western xenophobic propaganda go to your head and make you start demonizing your own brethren?
Sweden is in bigger trouble than any other EU country.

Real men wear macaawis. Look at what swedish men wear. May allah deliver that country from those fags and into the hands of destroyers of countries and rapists.....ameeen! Shows you how despised gays are in the eyes of the hosts of the heavens.


That's only if the Muslim refugees continue coming in high numbers until 2050, which isn't going to happen. There's so much wrong with this graph, I can't :noneck::noneck:
Muslims have 10 kids on average and fobs ain't gonna stop coming. Anyway cadaan are stupid! how do you colonise the whole world and invite the sons of your victims in and expect everyone to forget. Sadly most won't forget! especially the crybaby bantu.



The one and only 4head
Muslims have 10 kids on average and fobs ain't gonna stop coming. Anyway cadaan are stupid! how do you colonise the whole world and invite the sons of your victims in and expect everyone to forget. Sadly most won't forget! especially the crybaby bantu.


The whites will genocide most of the non europeans if it keeps like that lmao


France is one of the few countries on this good Earth, that I would never set foot on. There's something that I just don't like about frenchies.
Didn’t you hear about the climate reports recently put out by Europe and America?

Their gas prices and so forth went through the roof, because Macron was attempting to raise taxes for climate change, only to end up with protests due to the strain on people from the lower ends of the economic ladder.

It's crazy i was expecting by this time the weather being close to -2 instead we got someday's fluctuation between 14 Celsius and 11 Celcius and no wind! where i live, we had one day of two Celcius but that's about it, that's not normal at all down here.

Me my self i have no problems with it, i have experienced -38 degree extreme cold, and also extreme warm weather at maximum 46 Celcius degree, my experiences are only due to travelling a lot in my younger age.

But any one who says global warming is a hoax is a complete fool, or is ignorant and doesn't travel much
Whites today are cucked! jews are our protectors. God bless george soros! repeat after me or your black ass would be in africa.

George soros is not the devil everyone believes, but he is not a moral man in terms of financial speculation like many other wealthy old men. On the other hand, he supports many organisations that helps poor people and many other humanitarian causes. I mean he criticised israel and is hated by them, how bad can he be? If you just listen to his interviews then you would notice how socially progressive the guy is.

As a speculator he has destabilised and made some economies weaker, and it's not a good thing. Actually, he never claims that the act of doing it is a good thing. Which is unusual, because most lie and try to act morally. At least he's not a hypocrite. But it is a legit and legal under international laws, and this practice has been done for a long time. So why are low life white christian conservatives getting so mad now? Because of conspiracy theories made by inbred useless shut inns behind computers that has nothing else to do.

George soros has become the easy target to blame all the problems on, which is a distraction from the real political animals that push for stupid bills that actually has more longterm negative effects on peoples lives.

People have the audacity to vote against their own self interest, and point fingers at the winners of society when they have realised they fucked up and has been taken advantage of, when their actions directly helped these rich men in the first place. Human beings never learn that this is a jungle and they need to acclimate to it or they will get eaten, but they never do, and that's why i've got low regard for the most. Most are sheep that complain, while the rest controll and play the game.
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The humble one
Didn’t you hear about the climate reports recently put out by Europe and America?

Their gas prices and so forth went through the roof, because Macron was attempting to raise taxes for climate change, only to end up with protests due to the strain on people from the lower ends of the economic ladder.
Seems with the opposition that appears time to time CC will happen. We’ve tried to control a lot but we’ll eventually go through nature’s cycle of destruction and creation.


Somalis are found pretty much everywhere even in SA and India.
A qaxooti skipping somewhere that place REALLY gotta be a sh!thole :russ:

The French are actually quite socialist by Western standard (more than Canada, the US, UK). However, at the same time, they are very racist and dump the minorities in banlieue ghettos and live more segregated from them.
The French are actually quite socialist by Western standard (more than Canada, the US, UK). However, at the same time, they are very racist and dump the minorities in banlieue ghettos and live more segregated from them.
Yeah of all the white westerns, they are the worst imo. Not only are they very racist, they are absolute cvnts as people. I know few africans from france and they hate them as well
The French are actually quite socialist by Western standard (more than Canada, the US, UK). However, at the same time, they are very racist and dump the minorities in banlieue ghettos and live more segregated from them.
Have you seen the movie La haine? The movie gives you an interesting outlook on this issue.
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