Prove Islam To Me. I'll Be As Open Minded As Possible


We have been dealing with the most bullshit out of any religious group on the planet for the past two decades. Of course eventually a lot of us are going to be "intolerant" or "rude". For example, there are Chinese Turks having there culture and heritage stolen from them by the Chinese communist party and not a single peep from anyone other then other Muslims. There are Muslims in Myanmar being killed and there villages burned down for being Muslims as well. Yet all we ever hear about in the west is how ISIS or Boko Haram made another propaganda video that no one ever falls for.:farmajoyaab:

You have no excuse to be intolerant and rude specially when the west paints Islam as a “backward and oppressing religion”
As a Muslim it’s your duty to destroy that stereotype but instead you are proving them right,


Islamic Fanfiction Writer
We have been dealing with the most bullshit out of any religious group on the planet for the past two decades. Of course eventually a lot of us are going to be "intolerant" or "rude". For example, there are Chinese Turks having there culture and heritage stolen from them by the Chinese communist party and not a single peep from anyone other then other Muslims. There are Muslims in Myanmar being killed and there villages burned down for being Muslims as well. Yet all we ever hear about in the west is how ISIS or Boko Haram made another propaganda video that no one ever falls for.:farmajoyaab:
I had a good friend of mine who was Uyghur, she use to describe the shit her family went through. This was in 2014, and her father flew their family out of China after her mother’s workplace became hostile. They were lucky too. I remember she was so happy when she first wore the hijab lol. Made me feel grateful.


Okay, so if I understand you correctly, you're saying that the power of the being determines the severity of the punishment on actions that are wrong, correct?

Your example was that the President of a nation would kill a man for throwing a pie to them, as opposed to your father.

The reason for that however is due to the fact that you pose a security threat. Nothing can threaten God. So in that regard, your example wouldn't work.

Also you said that Gaals go to Hell forever. Why is that?
gaals dont go to hell forever or might not even go there. only people who have heard the message of islam and rejected it. i believe


Theres no religion that triggers me more than christianity :trash:
Yet you are in a Christian country and have a freedom and better life that you didn’t have in a Muslim country.

Don’t get triggered, it’s the fucking truth.
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Timo Jareer and proud

2nd Emir of the Akh Right Movement
You no excuse to be intolerant and rude specially when the west paints Islam as a “backward and oppressing religion”
As a Muslim it’s your duty to destroy that stereotype but instead you are proving them right,
I am not doing it. Other Muslims are because they are frustrated with how Islam is painted in the west. Yes, it is our duty as Muslims to destroy that stereotype. Yet, it is extremely hard to do so when a Salafi maniac kills 20+ people in a terrorist attack. When something terrible like a terrorist attack occurs, everyone always wants to find something to blame (islam) or (mental illness) instead of finding a solution to the real cause (Salafi brainwashing).

Samaalic Era

Yet you are in a Christian country and have a freedom and better life that you didn’t have in a Muslim coutry.

Don’t get triggered, it’s the fucking truth.

Yes it is to you since you cant think for yourself. Do you even know that Jesus hates gentiles like yourself

A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is demon-possessed and suffering terribly.”

23 Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to him and urged him, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.”

24 He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.”

25 The woman came and knelt before him. “Lord, help me!” she said.

26 He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”

27 “Yes it is, Lord,” she said. “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”

28 Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment.

(Matthew 15:22-28)

Know your place Gentile:drakelaugh:


Engineer of Qandala
Most are Christians or came from Christian homes, only Christian holidays are nationally celebrated. Even seculars don’t like Islam.

Thats quickly changing, Quran is even used for swearing in ceremonies in US Congress :trumpsmirk:


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
:farmajoyaab: I won't take the doctrine approach (for now). So let's ask what you get out of religion (which is a more rudimentary question)?

- Social supports
- A sense of purposefulness
- prayer which aids in stress management
-practicing temperance improves health outcomes (abstaining from risk taking behaviour i.e. drugs, alcohol, non-comittal sex)
- Intermittent Fasting (promotes mitochondrial connections which helps with longevity).
- Regular religious attendance is said to add years of life.
- Religious people live longer than Atheists and Agnostics.

In secular countries, where people have benefited from improved health care, sanitation and public health programs it appears that religious people are healthier than their non-practicing counterparts. I don't know why, but I'll leave it at that.

I should add, having been born a Muslim. It's far easier to die as one. It's the religious system practiced by your forefathers and the majority of your ethnicity. Even if you see this argument as a logical fallacy - argumentum ad populum. Questioning belief within a culturally conservative milieu could have real implications on your life. Even if your faith is weak leaving would be too much of a headache and announcing would probably mean a withdrawal of support. And let's just say, those that get ex-communicated have to piece together new identities and create new families from scratch (unless your folks are uber liberal). :manny: Better to be an imperfect Muslim than a pariah. Logically it makes the most sense to me. And of the three Abrahimic faiths - the most preferable (my opinion).


Who the fuck am I? ギくェズー
thats not a contradiction that is a an opinion. okay i dare you to bring one contradiction. just one and i will leave islam. walahi the quran is perfect and there is not a single contradiction. why doy you think so many right wing islam haters have become muslim. because they tried their hardest to find contradictions but they didnt. okay seperate question. this is very important. and answer honestly. its a two fold question. what would you say and feel towards someone who gave you 25 millions dollars. and would you sell your eyes for 50 million dollars if you had the chance.
And I'm back. And it is a contradiction, because the punishment clearly doesn't fit the crime, which contradicts the claim that said God is the most Merciful. If a human can punish a man more humanely, such as Scandinavia's reformation prison program, would you consider that man more merciful than God?

As for your questions:

If someone gave me $25 million, I'd be really happy as anyone would and thank the man.

No, I wouldn't sell my eyes for $50 million.


Who the fuck am I? ギくェズー
@YourBroMoe Islam is the essense of Creation. All humans have the need to worship. Worship is more than just rituals. It is what you completely place your choice when at your weakest. It is what your life,death,ambition and values are derived from.

Allah swt is Our Master, Our King and Our God who is above His Holy Throne. To the Somali, He is The One who had given Honor and Prestige. Our land is beautiful,our physical appearence,our language,our lineage, our social fabric.
Saxiib, which of the favors of your Lord can you deny?

Observe yourself. Your intellect,Sight,Hearing,Speech. Look at the sky and solar system and its perfect balence in the creation
So again, which of the favors of your Lord can you deny.

To Allah we belong and to Him we return
That's great to hear man, but it sort of has nothing to do with the discussion at hand. Many other religions say the same thing about how their religion makes them feel at peace. This is about proving it.


Yes it is to you since you cant think for yourself. Do you even know that Jesus hates gentiles like yourself

A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is demon-possessed and suffering terribly.”

23 Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to him and urged him, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.”

24 He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.”

25 The woman came and knelt before him. “Lord, help me!” she said.

26 He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”

27 “Yes it is, Lord,” she said. “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”

28 Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment.

(Matthew 15:22-28)

Know your place Gentile:drakelaugh:

Copy and paste shit from google
You are using gentile as if it’s the greatest insult on earth, I bet you don’t even know what it means but then again you are an ignorant, sexist, alshabab sympathizing extremist. Such a nutcase

And fyi I am not a Christian but Christians are nice compassionate people yet ignorant but progressive compared to Muslims.


Who the fuck am I? ギくェズー
One of the main reason I sleep well at night is the existence of hell.

Knowing that those that inflict perpetual misery, destruction, torments and even mass murders on others will swim in the lakes of fire.

I can tell from your post you have never experienced oppression, injustice, misery, pain or the ugly fruits of corruption.

Had you travelled to the rest of the world or learned about history, you would have took solace in the existence of hell rather then trying to use it as a justification for your disbelief.

The ironic part is that these questions are only posed by those living in rich first world countries were you are mostly safe from all these injustices which your host nation heaps upon the rest of the world

People in third world countries laugh at these questions and rightly so, because despite their abject poverty they still believe in their creator and are overall happier and more content then you are.

That's the despite the fact you have been given more in terms of safety, comfort and wealth on comparison, but instead of being grateful it has only increased your in arrogance.

Classic example how comfort breeds complacency and weakness.
I'll admit that I never looked at Hell in that perspective.

So you have a different interpretation of how justice is to be administered? And a different interpretation on fairness?

Also, how am I arrogant from my post? o_O
What Christian countries have offered asylum :mahubowtf: Somalis don’t live in Christian countries, only secular ones, no Somalis were offered assuylum by Vatican city


These are countries who will proudly tell you their civilisation is based on the judeo/Christian and any country whose parliament is opened by the Christian prayers is a Christian country and most western countries have this tradition. If Somalia is a Muslim country then Western Europe are Christian countries.

Why did everyone conveniently skipped my question about Islam and Somalia/Somalis? We worship our clans more than Islam, who are we lying to? Is the recognition of Allah as God enough and no worries if you destroy a whole nation and people believing in other ideologies like tribalism?


I am not doing it. Other Muslims are because they are frustrated with how Islam is painted in the west. Yes, it is our duty as Muslims to destroy that stereotype. Yet, it is extremely hard to do so when a Salafi maniac kills 20+ people in a terrorist attack. When something terrible like a terrorist attack occurs, everyone always wants to find something to blame (islam) or (mental illness) instead of finding a solution to the real cause (Salafi brainwashing).

Hey from experience on here..y’all aren’t nice or welcoming nor respect other’s views.
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Gentile/goyim is the Jewish people’s names for non Jewish people(not from the chosen people) who are supposed to be Inslaved:farmajoyaab:

