PSF in xaradeere


:banderas: :rejoice::rejoice:


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Waxaan bogaadinayaa ciidamada xooga Dalka, Ciidanka Xooga Dowladda Puntland ee PSF iyo kuwa Galmudug ee la wareegay gacan ku hayanta Degmada Xarardheere oo ah marin muhim u ah Shacabka Soomaliyeed oo cadawgu muddo haystay.

Waxaa la joogaa wakhtigii ay iska dhicin lahaayeen Shacabka Soomaliyeed cadowga ummadda ee Khawaarijta ah ee bannaystay dhiiga ummada Soomaaliyeed, duulaankana ku ah Dalka iyo Diinta.

Ciidamada isku dhafka ah ee la wareegay deeganka waxaan u rajeen in inta dhiman ay kala wareegan cadowga.

Ugu damabayn Dowladda Faderaalka, Dowlad goboleedyada Hirshabeele, Galmudug iyo Shacabka deegannadaas ee is abaabulay oo u istaagay xoreynta degmooyinka iyo deegnada muddada cadawgu haystay waan bogaadinaynaa waxaana leenahay halganka halkaas ka sii wada.

Guul Soomaaliya


no, they want Deni out in a tweet about PL helping them
PSF =/ Deni. PL doesn’t even control what PSF do otherwise they wouldn’t have been in a Bosaso war.

I bet you also that is MJs who are anti-Deni replying to Abgaal as he resigned from Deni’s government.

I doubt HG are out here following Abgaal or even know who he is

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

AUG 25, 2023
Dumb shit, this reminds me of this MJ guy in the SNA who died in Hiraan fighting kebab. War maxa nagalay hawiye and thier lands? What a waste of life of any puntite who dies outside PL borders.
Reer pl are so insecure. They’re still not over the war. Let that ciil iyo cuqdad go. It’s been 30+ years :mjlol:

Us, insecure? No, the correct word is 'fed-up' with your people's incompetence and anarchy.

It's 2022 and we are forced to free YOUR LAND from AlShabab, because your clan only knows how to ambush unarmed people at night, or miskeens making shushumow and xalwad.
Reer pl are so insecure. They’re still not over the war. Let that ciil iyo cuqdad go. It’s been 30+ years :mjlol:
Hawiya soilders wearing the tracksuits of the somali national basketball team from 80s being told to target shoot by burundi overseer if it's not civilians hawiya seems to faulter in the battlefield guul PSF


Law upholders from PL
Dnt psf fight pland just last year? This @Neero guy is called sheegato 24/7 and he continues to dickride qabyaalad. Doqon taking pictures of 2009 when the only help Somalia had was Amisom. Hurdada ka kac sxb. Psf and Danab belongs to Uncle Sam.
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